Rajasthan VDO Mains Solved Question Paper 2021

General Information about Rajasthan Village Development Officer (VDO) Main Examination 2021

Exam BoardRajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB)
Exam NameVillage Development Officer (VDO) Main Exam
Exam Date09-07-2022
Exam ShiftMorning Shift
First Answer Key issue date13-07-2022
Final Answer key issue date29-07-2022
Exam ModeOffline
Question paper languageHindi & English
Question paper typeObjective
Total Question160
Maximum Marks200
Negative Marking1/3
Time03.00 Hours

Note :- The answers to all the questions given in this question paper have been taken from the official answer key of Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB).

This question paper includes questions related to the following subjects :-

  1. Language Knowledge (General Hindi, English)
  2. Mathematic
  3. General Knowledge
  4. Geography and Natural Resources
  5. Agricultural and economic resources in the context of Rajasthan
  6. History and Culture

Question 1. पर्यायवाची शब्दों के संबंध में असगंत युग्म पहचानिए-

  • (A) झंडा- केतन, वैजयंती, निशान
  • (B) जंगल- विपिन, कांतार, गहन
  • (C) सेना- अराति, अरि, वाहिनी
  • (D) पुत्र- वत्स, आत्मज, तनय
Answer- (C) सेना- अराति, अरि, वाहिनी

Question 2. व्याकरण की दृष्टि से निम्न में से कौनसा शुद्ध वाक्य है?

  • (A) माता जी का मन गद्गद हो गया।
  • (B) भोपाल में अनेक तालाब हैं।
  • (C) समय के साथ शब्द लोप हो जाते हैं।
  • (D) वह बड़ा अच्छा खिलाड़ी है।
Answer- (B) भोपाल में अनेक तालाब हैं।

Question 3. विसर्ग संधि से निर्मित शब्द समूह नहीं है-

  • (A) शिरोभाग, वयोवेग, तेजोबल
  • (B) अवश्यम्भावी, आबालवृद्ध, मनोनुसार
  • (C) यशोधरा, पुनरुक्ति, अतएव
  • (D) श्रेयस्कर, चन्द्रस्तम, पुनः प्राप्ति
Answer- (B) अवश्यम्भावी, आबालवृद्ध, मनोनुसार

Question 4. ‘अपत्यवाचक तद्धित प्रत्यय’ से निर्मित शब्द किस विकल्प में नहीं है?

  • (A) पौर्वात्य
  • (B) मार्कंडेय
  • (C) मागध
  • (D) आंजनेय
Answer- (A) पौर्वात्य

Question 5. विलोम शब्द की दृष्टि से कौनसा युग्म अनुचित है?

  • (A) असीम – ससीम
  • (B) ऐहिक – पारलौकिक
  • (C) अतिवृष्टि – बहुवृष्टि
  • (D) अतिथि – आतिथेय
Answer- (C) अतिवृष्टि – बहुवृष्टि

Question 6. किस विकल्प के सभी शब्द ‘स’ उपसर्ग से निर्मित हैं?

  • (A) सोल्लास, सत्क्रिया, सद्भाव, सहपाठी
  • (B) सद्भावना, सहायक, सहोदर, सहगमन
  • (C) सहित, सहकर्ता, सार्थक, सज्जन
  • (D) सदय, सकाम, सावकाश, सजीव
Answer- (D) सदय, सकाम, सावकाश, सजीव

Question 7. किस विकल्प में अंग्रेजी पारिभाषिक शब्द का समकक्ष हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द सही है?

  • (A) Departmental Negligence- विभागीय जांच
  • (B) Denial- तरक्की
  • (C) Deviate- अहित
  • (D) Decree- हुक्मनामा
Answer- (D) Decree- हुक्मनामा

Question 8. ‘समुद्रोर्मि’ का सही संधि-विच्छेद क्या है?

  • (A) समुद्रः + ऊर्मि
  • (B) समुद्र + ऊर्मि
  • (C) समुद्र + ओर्मि
  • (D) समुद्र + उर्मि
Answer- (B) समुद्र + ऊर्मि

Question 9. निम्नलिखित सामासिक पदों को उनके सामासिक भेद के साथ सुमेलित कीजिए-

सामासिक पदसामासिक भेद
(a) शताब्दी, अठन्नी, सतसई(I) अव्ययीभाव समास
(b) नीरव, अनुगुण, अत्याचार(II) द्विगु समास
(c) लताच्छादित, आनन्दमय, कनकटा(III) तत्पुरुष समास
(d) शुभावसर, नवांकुर, चरमसीमा(IV) कर्मधारय समास

Codes :

  • (A) a-IV, b-I, c-III, d-II
  • (B) a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I
  • (C) a-II, b-I, c-III, d-IV
  • (D) a-II, b-I, c-IV, d-III
Answer- (C) a-II, b-I, c-III, d-IV

Question 10. कौन से शब्द युग्म का अर्थ भेद सही है?

  • (A) तरणि-तरुणी – युवती-सूर्य
  • (B) डीठ-ढीठ – निडर-दृष्टि
  • (C) कृति-कृती – निपुण-रचना
  • (D) अयश-अयस – अपकीत्ति- लोहा
Answer- (D) अयश-अयस – अपकीत्ति- लोहा
  • This question has been removed by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) in the final answer key.
  • Question 11. शुद्ध वर्तनी वाला विकल्प चुनिए-

    • (A) नो, चोंतीस
    • (B) उनचालीस, इकत्तीस
    • (C) पचत्तर, पच्चासी
    • (D) इक्यावन, तिरपन
    Answer- (D) इक्यावन, तिरपन

    Question 12. निम्न में से कौन-सा यण् स्वर संधि का उदाहरण नहीं है?

    • (A) न्यून
    • (B) अन्वय
    • (C) पित्रादेश
    • (D) स्वांग
    Answer- (D) स्वांग

    Question 13. निम्नलिखित सूची-I की लोकोक्तिओं को सूची-II में उनके अर्थ के साथ सुमेलित कीजिए-

    (a) गंगा गए गंगादास, जमुना गए जमुनादास(I) व्यर्थ में दखल देने वाला
    (b) दाल भात में मूसलचंद(II) जिसका कोई दृढ़ सिद्धांत नहीं होता
    (c) पहले भीतर तब देवता-पितर(III) अच्छे-बुरे सबको एक समझना
    (d) सब ध्यान बाईस पसेरी(IV) पेट पूजा सबसे प्रधान

    Codes :

    • (A) a-I, b-III, c-IV, d-II
    • (B) a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III
    • (C) a-II, b-I, c-IV, d-III
    • (D) a-III, b-IV, c-I, d-II
    Answer- (C) a-II, b-I, c-IV, d-III

    Question 14. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा ‘उर्वर’ का विलोम है?

    • (A) ऊसर
    • (B) उपजाऊ
    • (C) फलप्रद
    • (D) जरखेज
    Answer- (A) ऊसर

    Question 15. समास के संबंध में असंगत कथन है-

    • (A) जहाँ प्रथम पद निषेध का वाचक हो उसे ‘नञ् तत्पुरुष’ समास कहते हैं।
    • (B) अधिकरण तत्पुरुष के समस्त पदों में अधिकरण कारक चिह्न ‘में, पे, पर’ का प्रयोग होता है।
    • (C) समस्त पद बनाते समय समास में प्रथम पद के साथ विभक्ति चिह्न का लोप किया जाता है।
    • (D) कर्मधारय विशेषण – विशेष्य का समास होता है।
    Answer- (B) अधिकरण तत्पुरुष के समस्त पदों में अधिकरण कारक चिह्न ‘में, पे, पर’ का प्रयोग होता है।

    Question 16. निम्न में से किस विकल्प में केवल ‘प्रत्यय’ का ही प्रयोग किया गया है?

    • (A) अपरिग्रह, अपोढ, पराश्रित
    • (B) वैनाशिक, आक्षेपित, आधिपत्य
    • (C) रासायनिक, पाशविक, काल्पनिक
    • (D) पराधीन, अनूदित, अनुवाद
    Answer- (C) रासायनिक, पाशविक, काल्पनिक

    Question 17. किस विकल्प में वार्तनिक दृष्टि से अशुद्ध शब्द प्रयुक्त हुए हैं?

    • (A) शिरोधार्य, अन्तर्धान
    • (B) मध्याह्न, भौगोलिक
    • (C) पूज्यनीय, प्रमाणिक
    • (D) कृतज्ञ, नीरोग
    Answer- (C) पूज्यनीय, प्रमाणिक

    Question 18. निम्नलिखित सूची-I के मुहावरों को सूची-II में उनके अर्थ के साथ सुमेलित कीजिए-

    (a) आंख का नीर ढल जाना(I) अनुभवहीन व्यक्ति
    (b) अंडे का शहजादा(II) व्यर्थ की लिखा पढ़ी करना
    (c) निन्यानवे के फेर में पड़ना(III) निर्लज्ज हो जाना
    (d) कागज़ी घोड़े दौड़ाना(IV) धन कमाने में लगे रहना

    Codes :

    • (A) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II
    • (B) a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
    • (C) a-III, b-II, c-IV, d-I
    • (D) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
    Answer- (A) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II

    Question 19. निम्नलिखित में से किस विकल्प के सभी शब्द ‘माता’ के पर्यायवाची हैं?

    • (A) स्वसा, वामा, सोदरा
    • (B) सुरा, वारुणी, हाला
    • (C) प्रसू, अम्बिका, जननी
    • (D) कान्ता, दारा, अर्धांगिनी
    Answer- (C) प्रसू, अम्बिका, जननी

    Question 20. ‘We have taken our breakfast.’

    उक्त वाक्य का सटीक हिंदी रूपांतरण है-

    • (A) हमने नाश्ता रख लिया है।
    • (B) हमने नाश्ता कर लिया है।
    • (C) हमने नाश्ता कर लिया था।
    • (D) हम नाश्ता ले कर गए थे।
    Answer- (B) हमने नाश्ता कर लिया है।

    Question 21. ‘एक पानी का गिलास लाओ’ वाक्य में किस प्रकार की अशुद्ध है?

    • (A) वचन संबंधिनी
    • (B) कारक संबंधिनी
    • (C) लिंग संबंधिनी
    • (D) अव्यय संबंधिनी
    Answer- (B) कारक संबंधिनी
  • This question has been removed by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) in the final answer key.
  • Question 22. निम्नलिखित सूची-I के वाक्यांशों को सूची-II के शब्दों के साथ सुमेलित कीजिए-

    (a) नीचे की ओर लाना या खींचना(I) अनादूत
    (b) जो बिना बुलाए आया हो(II) अन्तेवासी
    (c) किसी वस्तु को प्राप्त करने की तीव्र इच्छा(III) अपकर्ष
    (d) गुरु के समीप रहने वाला विद्यार्थी(IV) अभीप्सा

    Codes :

    • (A) a-I, b-III, c-IV, d-II
    • (B) a-III, b-IV, c-II, d-I
    • (C) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
    • (D) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II
    Answer- (D) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II

    Question 23. ‘गंधसार, मलयज, श्रीखण्ड’ उक्त सभी शब्द पर्याय हैं-

    • (A) मेंढक के
    • (B) नाव के
    • (C) चंदन के
    • (D) मोर के
    Answer- (C) चंदन के

    Question 24. संधि की दृष्टि से कौनसा युग्म अनुचित है?

    • (A) तल्लीन- व्यंजन संधि
    • (B) मात्रिच्छा- यण् स्वर संधि
    • (C) मनश्चिकित्सा- विसर्ग संधि
    • (D) स्वागत- दीर्घ स्वर संधि
    Answer- (D) स्वागत- दीर्घ स्वर संधि

    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below-

    The choice we make on a daily basis- wearing a seatbelt, lifting heavy objects correctly or purposely staying out of any dangerous situation- can either ensure our safety or bring about potentially harmful circumstances.

    You and i need to make a decision that we are going to get our lives in order. Exercising self-control, self-discipline and establishing boundaries and borders in our lives are some of the most important things we can do, A life without discipline is one that’s filled with carelessness.

    We can think it’s kind of live life on the edge. We like the image of “Yeah! that’s me! Living edge! Woo-hoo!” It’s become a popular way to look at life. But if you see, even highways have lines, which provide margins for our safety while we’re driving. If we go over one side, we’ll go into the ditch. If we cross over the line in the middle, we could get killed. And we like those lines because they help to keep us safe. Sometimes we don’t even realize how lines help to keep us safe.

    Question 25. The phrase “Potentially harmful circumstances” refers to circumstances that can-

    • (A) Certainly be dangerous
    • (B) Be fairly dangerous
    • (C) Be possibly dangerous
    • (D) Seldom be dangerous
    Answer- (C) Be possibly dangerous

    Question 26. What does the author mean when he says, “To get our lives in order”?

    • (A) To resume our lives
    • (B) To organize our lives
    • (C) To rebuild our lives
    • (D) To control our lives
    Answer- (B) To organize our lives

    Question 27. Synonym of the word ‘carelessness’ is-

    • (A) laxness
    • (B) heedfulness
    • (C) caution
    • (D) vigilance
    Answer- (A) laxness

    Question 28. Which set of words fits well into the given sentence?

    He pretended to fall ………. my plan but secretly he was working against it.

    • (A) off through
    • (B) in with
    • (C) into by
    • (D) in for
    Answer- (B) in with

    Question 29. The correct form of words in the brackets are-

    We suggested (sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious (camp) out.

    • (A) that we sleep, camped
    • (B) to sleep, To camp
    • (C) for sleep, about camp
    • (D) sleeping, to camp
    Answer- (D) sleeping, to camp

    Question 30. Which of the following is not the meaning of ‘bound’?

    • (A) to build a boundary
    • (B) to spring or leap
    • (C) to be restrained by a material such as rope
    • (D) to be controlled by a condition or law
    Answer- (A) to build a boundary
  • This question has been removed by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) in the final answer key.
  • Question 31. What is the correct sequence of phrases-

    this document (P)/ as proof of his guilt (Q) can we take (R)/ on the table (S)

    • (A) RSPQ
    • (B) PSRQ
    • (C) RPSQ
    • (D) QPRS
    Answer- (C) RPSQ

    Question 32. Match the idioms in column I with their meanings in column II-

    (a) Call it a day(I) saying good luck to someone
    (b) Feeling under the weather(II) to leak a secret
    (c) Spill the beans(III) not very well
    (d) Break a leg(IV) to stop work or another activity

    Codes :

    • (A) a-III, b-IV, c-II, d-I
    • (B) a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
    • (C) a-I, b-III, c-II, d-IV
    • (D) a-IV, b-III, c-I, d-II
    Answer- (B) a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I

    Question 33. In the sentence- “Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.” – the definite article ‘the’ is used because-

    • (A) ‘Shakespeare’ is a pronoun.
    • (B) ‘Shakespeare’ is a proper noun used as a comparative.
    • (C) ‘Shakespeare’ is an adjective.
    • (D) ‘Shakespeare’ is a singular noun used to make general statement.
    Answer- (B) ‘Shakespeare’ is a proper noun used as a comparative.

    Question 34. Choose the appropriate alternative from the given options that comes closest to the idea conveyed by the sentence-

    “You must be back within two hours.”

    • (A) You are likely to be back within two hours.
    • (B) You have to be back within two hours.
    • (C) You are obliged to be back within two hours.
    • (D) You have the option to be back within two hours.
    Answer- (C) You are obliged to be back within two hours.

    Question 35. Fill in the blank with the correct option-

    They know that extremists blew up the bridge. (Change into Passive Voice)

    • (A) They know that the bridge was blew up by extremists.
    • (B) It is known that the extremists blown up the bridge.
    • (C) It is known that the bridge was blown up by the extremists.
    • (D) It is known that the bridge would be blown up by the extremists.
    Answer- (C) It is known that the bridge was blown up by the extremists.

    Question 36. Choose the part of the sentence you think is incorrect in the given sentence-

    Nehru was one of the greatest statesmen who has led the Non-aligned Movement.

    • (A) Nehru was
    • (B) One of the greatest statesmen
    • (C) Who has led
    • (D) The Non-aligned Movement
    Answer- (C) Who has led

    Question 37. Match the sentences in column (A) with appropriate prepositions in column (B)-

    Column (A)Column (B)
    (a) My mother is afraid ………. cats.(I) for
    (b) If you want permission you must apply ………. the Principal.(II) of
    (c) We must all pray ………. peace.(III) at
    (d) The crowd threw stones ………. the police.(IV) to

    Codes :

    • (A) a-I, b-III, c-IV, d-II
    • (B) a-II, b-IV, c-III, d-I
    • (C) a-III, b-II, c-IV, d-I
    • (D) a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III
    Answer- (D) a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III

    Question 38. Choose the correct option-

    He said, “My wife leaves for Vienna tomorrow”. (Change into indirect speech)

    • (A) He said that his wife had to leave for Vienna tomorrow.
    • (B) He said that his wife would leave for Vienna the next day.
    • (C) He said that his wife has to leave for Vienna tomorrow.
    • (D) He said that his wife have to leave for Vienna the next day.
    Answer- (B) He said that his wife would leave for Vienna the next day.

    Question 39. Match the words in column I to their antonyms in column II-

    Column IColumn II
    (a) conceal(I) ascetic
    (b) hedonist(II) permanent
    (c) hackneyed(III) reveal
    (d) ephemeral(IV) original

    Codes :

    • (A) a-IV, b-III, c-I, d-II
    • (B) a-IV, b-I, c-III, d-II
    • (C) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II
    • (D) a-III, b-IV, c-I, d-II
    Answer- (C) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II

    Question 40. Match words in column I with their meanings in column II-

    Column IColumn II
    (a) incongruous(I) recover quickly from difficult situation
    (b) resilient(II) one who knows everything
    (c) obsolete(III) that which is no longer in use
    (d) omniscient(IV) strange and out of place

    Codes :

    • (A) a-IV, b-I, c-III, d-II
    • (B) a-IV, b-II, c-III, d-I
    • (C) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
    • (D) a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
    Answer- (A) a-IV, b-I, c-III, d-II

    Question 41. The batting average of a batsman in 40 innings is 50 runs. His highest score is 172 more than his lowest score. If his highest and lowest scores are excluded, then average of remaining 38 innings in 48 runs. Highest score of batsman in one innings is-

    • (A) 174 runs
    • (B) 172 runs
    • (C) 170 runs
    • (D) 166 runs
    Answer- (A) 174 runs

    Question 42. In the given figure, x = ……….

    • (A) `\frac{4y}{3}`
    • (B) `\frac{2y}{3}`
    • (C) `\frac{3}{4}y`
    • (D) `\frac{3}{2}y`
    Answer- (B) `\frac{2y}{3}`

    Question 43. If 5(\frac{3}{a}) × b(\frac{1}{2}) = 19, then values of a and b are-

    • (A) a = 8 ; b = 4
    • (B) a = 7 ; b = 3
    • (C) a = 5 ; b = 2
    • (D) a = 5 ; b = 4
    Answer- (B) a = 7 ; b = 3
  • This question has been removed by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) in the final answer key.
  • Question 44. In an examination, 33% marks are required to get pass. A candidate receives 238 marks and gets failed by 26 marks. Maximum marks of examination is-

    • (A) 600
    • (B) 700
    • (C) 800
    • (D) 900
    Answer- (C) 800

    Question 45. P and Q started a business together and got profit in the ratio of 3 : 5. If Q invested Rs. 80,000 for 12 months, then P invested Rs. 72,000 for how many months?

    • (A) 6 months
    • (B) 8 months
    • (C) 9 months
    • (D) 10 months
    Answer- (B) 8 months

    Question 46. P and Q have some amount. If P gives ₹ 30 to Q, then Q will have twice the amount left with P. But if Q gives ₹ 10 to P, then P will have three times the amount left with Q. P has amount-

    • (A) ₹ 34
    • (B) ₹ 64
    • (C) ₹ 62
    • (D) ₹ 32
    Answer- (C) ₹ 62

    Question 47. What is the average age of children in the class?

    Statement :

    (I) The age of the teacher is as many years as the number of children.

    (II) Average age is increased by 1 year if the teacher’s age is also included.

    • (A) Statement I alone is sufficient but II alone is not sufficient to answer
    • (B) Statement II alone is sufficient but I alone not is sufficient to answer
    • (C) Both statement I and II are not sufficient to answer
    • (D) Either statement I or II alone sufficient to answer
    Answer- (C) Both statement I and II are not sufficient to answer

    Question 48. A work may be completed in 10 days, if X, Y and Z work together. All three started to work together. X left after 4 days, then Y and Z completed the work by taking 10 more days. In how many days could X complete the whole work alone?

    • (A) 15 days
    • (B) 25 days
    • (C) 30 days
    • (D) 35 days
    Answer- (B) 25 days

    Question 49. A Scooty is available for ₹ 50,000 cash or ₹ 10,400 cash down payments followed by 4 equal annual installments. If the rate of simple interest is 25% per annum, amount of each year installment is-

    • (A) ₹ 14,400
    • (B) ₹ 14,600
    • (C) ₹ 14,800
    • (D) ₹ 15,000
    Answer- (A) ₹ 14,400

    Question 50. Population of a city is 1,00,000. First year it is increased by 5%, second year decreased by 8% and in the third year increased by 3%. After three years, population of the city is-

    • (A) 99,498
    • (B) 96,600
    • (C) 98,448
    • (D) 84,000
    Answer- (A) 99,498

    Question 51. L.C.M. of (q2+3q), (q2+5q+6) and (q2+4q+3) is equal to-

    • (A) (q-3)
    • (B) q(q+3)
    • (C) q(q+3)(q+2)
    • (D) q(q+3) (q+2) (q+1)
    Answer- (D) q(q+3) (q+2) (q+1)

    Question 52. A shopkeeper marks 10% more rate on bicycle than purchase value. He gives 10% rebate on marked value of bicycle to a customer, then on selling the bicycle the shopkeeper will be in-

    • (A) Profit
    • (B) Loss
    • (C) Nether profit nor loss
    • (D) Can’t say
    Answer- (B) Loss

    Question 53. A boat coves 30 km upstream and 44 km downstream in 10 hours. Again covers 40 km upstream and 55 km downstream in 13 hours. Speed of boat in still water will be-

    • (A) 8 km/h
    • (B) 5 km/h
    • (C) 18 km/h
    • (D) 3 km/h
    Answer- (A) 8 km/h

    Question 54. If 24 is \frac{2}{3} of \frac{3}{4} of a number, then what will be \frac{1}{4} of that number?

    • (A) 10
    • (B) 12
    • (C) 14
    • (D) 16
    Answer- (B) 12

    Question 55. The lengths of the diagonal of a rhombus are 24 cm and 18 cm respectively; length of each side of the rhombus is-

    • (A) 15 cm
    • (B) 25 cm
    • (C) 21 cm
    • (D) 18 cm
    Answer- (A) 15 cm

    Question 56. A tangent PQ at point P of a circle of radius 5 cm meets a line passing through center O at a point Q so that OQ = 12 cm. Length of PQ will be-

    • (A) `\sqrt{119}` cm
    • (B) 13 cm
    • (C) 12 cm
    • (D) 8.5 cm
    Answer- (A) `\sqrt{119}` cm

    Question 57. Average age of 8 persons in increased by 2 years when two persons of age 20 years and 24 years are replaced by two women. Average age of these two women is-

    • (A) 20 years
    • (B) 25 years
    • (C) 30 years
    • (D) 35 years
    Answer- (C) 30 years

    Question 58. In the given figure, CE is the bisector of \angle ACD. If \angle A = 55° and AB = BC, then \angle ACE = ……….

    • (A) 55°
    • (B) 35°
    • (C) 45°
    • (D) 62.5°
    Answer- (D) 62.5°

    Question 59. For which value of k, the following system of linear equations has infinite solutions?

    x + (k+1)y = 5

    (k+1)x + 9y = 8k – 1

    • (A) 0
    • (B) 1
    • (C) 2
    • (D) 3
    Answer- (C) 2

    Question 60. Decimal value of \frac{13}{5^{3}} will be-

    • (A) 10.104
    • (B) 9.104
    • (C) 1.104
    • (D) 0.104
    Answer- (D) 0.104

    Question 61. In given figure, O is the centre of the circle and ACBO is a parallelogram. \angle ACB = ……….

    • (A) 90°
    • (B) 110°
    • (C) 120°
    • (D) 135°
    Answer- (C) 120°

    Question 62. If (2x-1) is a factor of 2x3 + ax2 + 11x + a + 3, then value of a is-

    • (A) -5
    • (B) 5
    • (C) -7
    • (D) 7
    Answer- (C) -7

    Question 63. \frac{(0.2)^3+(0.3)^3+(0.5)^3-3\times 0.2\times 0.3\times 0.5}{(0.2)^2+(0.3)^2+(0.5)^2-0.2\times 0.3-0.2\times 0.5-0.3\times 0.5} is equal to-

    • (A) 1
    • (B) 0.8
    • (C) 0.7
    • (D) 0.5
    Answer- (A) 1

    Question 64. A friend says to other “Give me hundred rupees friend! I shall then become twice as rich as you.” Other replies, “If you give me ten rupees, I shall be six times as rich as you.” How much rupees both have respectively?

    • (A) ₹ 140, ₹ 170
    • (B) ₹ 50, ₹ 170
    • (C) ₹ 30, ₹ 170
    • (D) ₹ 40, ₹ 170
    Answer- (D) ₹ 40, ₹ 170

    Question 65. Radius of a hemispherical bowl is 3 cm. Find volume of water that can be filled in the bowl.

    • (A) 18𝜋 `cm^{3}`
    • (B) 36𝜋 `cm^{3}`
    • (C) 9𝜋 `cm^{3}`
    • (D) 72𝜋 `cm^{3}`
    Answer- (A) 18𝜋 `cm^{3}`

    Question 66. Average present age of Ritu and Priya is 22. After 8 years, ratio b/w Priya’s age to Ritu’s age is 7 : 8, then find the ratio of Ritu’s age to Priya’s age two years ago.

    • (A) 12 : 11
    • (B) 11 : 9
    • (C) 8 : 7
    • (D) 9 : 7
    Answer- (B) 11 : 9

    Question 67. A two digit number gets reversed when \frac{1}{5}th of it is added to it. Find the 40% of that number.

    • (A) 32
    • (B) 36
    • (C) 20
    • (D) 18
    Answer- (D) 18

    Question 68. How much compound interest will be paid by a person for loan of ₹ 700 at the rate of 4% annual compound interest for 3 years?

    • (A) ₹ 84
    • (B) ₹ 28
    • (C) ₹ 87.40
    • (D) ₹ 124
    Answer- (C) ₹ 87.40

    Question 69. 5 people were asked about the time in a week they spend in doing social work in their community. They replied 20, 14, 26, 40 and 30 hours respectively. Find the mean (or average) time in a week devoted by them for social work.

    • (A) 20 hours
    • (B) 14 hours
    • (C) 40 hours
    • (D) 26 hours
    Answer- (D) 26 hours

    Question 70. In the given figure the value of x equals-

    • (A) `\frac{ab}{a+c}`
    • (B) `\frac{ac}{a+b}`
    • (C) `\frac{ac}{b+c}`
    • (D) `\frac{ab}{b+c}`
    Answer- (C) `\frac{ac}{b+c}`

    Question 71. If least common multiple of two numbers is 225 and the highest common factor is 5, then find the numbers when one of the numbers is 25?

    • (A) 75
    • (B) 65
    • (C) 15
    • (D) 45
    Answer- (D) 45

    Question 72. The greatest length of the scale that can measure exactly 30 cm, 90 cm, 1 m 20 cm and 1 m 35 cm lengths is-

    • (A) 5 cm
    • (B) 10 cm
    • (C) 15 cm
    • (D) 30 cm
    Answer- (C) 15 cm

    Question 73. Voice of which of the following is likely to have minimum frequency?

    • (A) woman
    • (B) baby girl
    • (C) man
    • (D) baby boy
    Answer- (C) man

    Question 74. Which of the following fuel has maximum calorific value (in kJ/kg)?

    • (A) Coal
    • (B) Petrol
    • (C) Methane
    • (D) LPG
    Answer- (D) LPG

    Question 75. Which rocks are known as Primary rocks?

    • (A) metamorphic rocks
    • (B) sedimentary rocks
    • (C) igneous rocks
    • (D) All of the above
    Answer- (C) igneous rocks

    Question 76. Recently, which one of the following was awarded the President’s Colour?

    • (A) INS Vikrant
    • (B) INS Vikramaditya
    • (C) INS Valsura
    • (D) INS Sahayadri
    Answer- (C) INS Valsura

    Question 77. Water stored in earthen pots become cool in summer because of-

    • (A) evaporation
    • (B) condensation
    • (C) precipitation
    • (D) osmosis
    Answer- (A) evaporation

    Question 78. The cause of mirage formation in desert is-

    • (A) the refractive index of atmosphere decreases with decrease in height
    • (B) the refractive index of atmosphere increases with decrease in height
    • (C) the refractive index of atmosphere does not change with height
    • (D) Scattering
    Answer- (A) the refractive index of atmosphere decreases with decrease in height

    Question 79. Why oil does not mix with water?

    • (A) Molecules of oil are polar
    • (B) Molecules of oil are bigger than that of water
    • (C) Only A is correct
    • (D) Both A and B are correct
    Answer- (B) Molecules of oil are bigger than that of water

    Question 80. In which district of Rajasthan the PM WANI Scheme launched recently?

    • (A) Jaipur
    • (B) Jodhpur
    • (C) Udaipur
    • (D) Pratapgarh
    Answer- (D) Pratapgarh

    Question 81. The 5G test bed for Army Training Command will be established at-

    • (A) Army College of Telecommunication, in Bombay
    • (B) Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, in Mhow
    • (C) Military College of Science and Telecommunication, in Bangalore
    • (D) Army College of Science and Telecommunication, in Indore
    Answer- (B) Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, in Mhow

    Question 82. Areolar connective tissue is not found in-

    • (A) between the skin and muscles
    • (B) between internal organs
    • (C) around blood vessels
    • (D) the bone marrow
    Answer- (B) between internal organs
  • This question has been removed by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) in the final answer key.
  • Question 83. The presence of the cell wall enables the cells of plants, fungi and bacteria to exist without bursting in which medium?

    • (A) Isotonic
    • (B) Hypertonic
    • (C) Hypotonic
    • (D) All of the above
    Answer- (C) Hypotonic

    Question 84. The PSLV-C52 successfully launched which satellite from the first launch pad of Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota?

    • (A) EOS-01
    • (B) EOS-02
    • (C) EOS-03
    • (D) EOS-04
    Answer- (D) EOS-04

    Question 85. GSAT-24 satellite was launched on space launch vehicle, by French company-

    • (A) Arianespace
    • (B) SpaceX
    • (C) Rocket lab
    • (D) Ariane 5
    Answer- (A) Arianespace

    Question 86. At which height GPS satellites are placed?

    • (A) 9000 km
    • (B) 36,000 km
    • (C) 20,200 km
    • (D) 30,200 km
    Answer- (C) 20,200 km

    Question 87. NH-925A was used for emergency landing of which IAF aircraft?

    • (A) Hercules DC-130J
    • (B) Hercules C-130J
    • (C) Hercules KC-130J
    • (D) Hercules MC-130J
    Answer- (B) Hercules C-130J

    Question 88. How long does it take for a GPS signal to reach the earth?

    • (A) `\frac{1}{25}` second
    • (B) `\frac{1}{10}` second
    • (C) `\frac{1}{20}` second
    • (D) `\frac{1}{15}` second
    Answer- (D) `\frac{1}{15}` second

    Question 89. In which months rainfall occurs through the western disturbances in Rajasthan?

    • (A) July and August
    • (B) April and May
    • (C) September and October
    • (D) December and January
    Answer- (D) December and January

    Question 90. Desert Development Programme was started in Rajasthan in the year-

    • (A) 1974-75
    • (B) 1977-78
    • (C) 1981-82
    • (D) 1999
    Answer- (B) 1977-78

    Question 91. Match the following-

    (a) Barkhan(I) Abu mountain block
    (b) Lathi series(II) Sand dune
    (c) Inselberg(III) Dry lake
    (d) Playa(IV) Underground water belt

    Correct Code is-

    • (A) a-II, b-IV, c-III, d-I
    • (B) a-IV, b-II, c-I, d-III
    • (C) a-III, b-IV, c-I, d-II
    • (D) a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III
    Answer- (D) a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III

    Question 92. Sirohi, Pali and Jalore districts comes under which agro climatic zone of Rajasthan?

    • (A) I-A
    • (B) II-A
    • (C) II-B
    • (D) III-B
    Answer- (C) II-B

    Question 93. Which is not correctly matched?

    • (A) Vagad- Dungarpur-Baswara
    • (B) Mewat- Alwar-Bharatpur
    • (C) Bhomat- Pratapgarh-Chittorgarh
    • (D) Hadoti- Kota-Bundi-Jhalawar
    Answer- (C) Bhomat- Pratapgarh-Chittorgarh

    Question 94. Which statement is not correct?

    • (A) Dry teak forests are found in Southern parts of Rajasthan.
    • (B) Mixed deciduous forests are found in Udaipur, Chittorgarh and Sirohi districts.
    • (C) Sub-tropical evergreen forests are found in Mount Abu region.
    • (D) Tropical thorn forests are mostly found in Eastern part of Rajasthan.
    Answer- (D) Tropical thorn forests are mostly found in Eastern part of Rajasthan.

    Question 95. Which of following medicinal plant is not included in Rajasthan Ghar-Ghar Aushadhi Yojana?

    • (A) Aswagandha
    • (B) Musli
    • (C) Gilloy
    • (D) Kalmegh
    Answer- (B) Musli

    Question 96. As per new system of soil classification the ‘Alfisols’ soil is found in Rajasthan in-

    • (A) Jaipur, Alwar and Kota
    • (B) Churu, Jhunjhunu and Sikar
    • (C) Jaisalmer and Barmer
    • (D) Pratapgarh and Sirohi
    Answer- (A) Jaipur, Alwar and Kota

    Question 97. The ‘Great Artesian Basin’ is located at-

    • (A) South America
    • (B) North America
    • (C) Australia
    • (D) Antarctica
    Answer- (C) Australia

    Question 98. The ‘Submarine Canyons’ are locate on/in-

    • (A) Continental shelf
    • (B) Continental slopes
    • (C) Deep sea plains
    • (D) Ocean deeps
    Answer- (B) Continental slopes
  • This question has been removed by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) in the final answer key.
  • Question 99. ‘Funafuti’ is a-

    • (A) River in Japan
    • (B) Lake in Japan
    • (C) Atoll
    • (D) Currency of Tuvalu
    Answer- (C) Atoll

    Question 100. Which isohyet separates the Sandy Arid Plains and Semi-arid Transitional Plains of Rajasthan?

    • (A) 10 cm
    • (B) 50 cm
    • (C) 75 cm
    • (D) 25 cm
    Answer- (D) 25 cm

    Question 101. Which one of the following is not a salt water lake?

    • (A) Kavod
    • (B) Deedwana
    • (C) Rewasa
    • (D) Jaitsagar
    Answer- (D) Jaitsagar

    Question 102. Which state has the maximum Ramsar wetland sites in India?

    • (A) Uttarakhand
    • (B) Madhya Pradesh
    • (C) Odisha
    • (D) Uttar Pradesh
    Answer- (D) Uttar Pradesh

    Question 103. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the code given below-

    List-I (City)List-II (Industry)
    (a) Detroit(I) Cutlery
    (b) Sheffield(II) Automobile
    (c) Los Angeles(III) Film
    (d) Multan(IV) Pottery

    Codes :

    • (A) a-III, b-I, c-II, d-IV
    • (B) a-II, b-I, c-III, d-IV
    • (C) a-II, b-III, c-I, d-IV
    • (D) a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I
    Answer- (B) a-II, b-I, c-III, d-IV

    Question 104. Which Topography is found along the foothills of the Shiwaliks?

    • (A) Bhangar
    • (B) Khadar
    • (C) Bhabar
    • (D) Delta
    Answer- (C) Bhabar

    Question 105. Which river enters into Rajasthan from North direction?

    • (A) Chambal River
    • (B) Mahi River
    • (C) Ghagghar River
    • (D) Kantli River
    Answer- (C) Ghagghar River

    Question 106. Which of the following districts is not covered by Aravalli afforestation project?

    • (A) Sikar
    • (B) Pali
    • (C) Nagaur
    • (D) Ajmer
    Answer- (D) Ajmer

    Question 107. Normal Lapse rate of temperature in troposphere is-

    • (A) 5.5°C/1000 meter
    • (B) 6.5°C/1000 meter
    • (C) 10°C/1000 meter
    • (D) 3°C/1000 meter
    Answer- (B) 6.5°C/1000 meter

    Question 108. Which one of the following (Mineral – production area) is not correctly matched?

    • (A) Garnet – Rajmahal
    • (B) Emerald – Kalaguman
    • (C) Pyrite – Sarwar
    • (D) Soap stone – Rishabdev
    Answer- (C) Pyrite – Sarwar

    Question 109. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

    • (A) National Desert Park – Jaisalmer
    • (B) Joganiya Mata Temple – Bhilwara
    • (C) Sunehri Kothi – Sikar
    • (D) Moosi Maharani ki Chhatri – Alwar
    Answer- (C) Sunehri Kothi – Sikar

    Question 110. When was “Mukhyamantri Yuva Sambal Yojana” started in Rajasthan?

    • (A) `10^{th}` March, 2019
    • (B) `1^{st}` February, 2019
    • (C) `10^{th}` March, 2020
    • (D) `1^{st}` February, 2020
    Answer- (B) `1^{st}` February, 2019

    Question 111. The earth reaches its perihelion in-

    • (A) July
    • (B) January
    • (C) September
    • (D) March
    Answer- (B) January

    Question 112. Among the following which is the first Wind Power Project in Rajasthan?

    • (A) Devgarh Wind Power Project
    • (B) Bithadi Wind Power Project
    • (C) Phalodi Wind Power Project
    • (D) Amarsagar Wind Power Project
    Answer- (D) Amarsagar Wind Power Project

    Question 113. According to Indira Gandhi lift Canal Project, which statement are incorrect?

    (I) This project was previously known as Rajasthan Canal and later renamed as Indira Gandhi lift Canal Project in 1982.

    (II) There are 9 lift canals in Indira Gandhi lift Canal Project.

    (III) The Canal was conceived by Sardul Singh.

    (IV) The canal does not passes through Haryana.

    Codes :

    • (A) I and II only
    • (B) I, II and III only
    • (C) II, III and IV only
    • (D) I, II, III and IV
    Answer- (D) I, II, III and IV

    Question 114. According to the 73rd amendment of the Panchayati Raj System of the Constitution, Which statements are correct?

    (I) In Panchayati Raj Institutions at least \frac{2}{3} of the post of Chairperson are reserved for women.

    (II) 11th schedule was added in the Constitution by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment.

    (III) Madhya Pradesh was the first state to implement the 73rd Constitutional Amendment.

    (IV) The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act came into force from April 24, 1994.

    • (A) I and III
    • (B) II and III
    • (C) I, II, and III
    • (D) II, III and IV
    Answer- (B) II and III
  • This question has been removed by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) in the final answer key.
  • Question 115. Vertisol soil is found in which part of Rajasthan?

    • (A) North-Western part
    • (B) South-Western part
    • (C) South-Eastern part
    • (D) Eastern part
    Answer- (C) South-Eastern part

    Question 116. Which of the following river is not related with Inland drainage?

    • (A) Sabi River
    • (B) Ghaggar River
    • (C) Kakni River
    • (D) Sagi River
    Answer- (D) Sagi River

    Question 117. Which of the following lakes if Rajasthan is not included in National Lake Conservation Programme?

    • (A) Fateh Sagar Lake
    • (B) Nakki Lake
    • (C) Ana Sagar Lake
    • (D) Rajsamand Lake
    Answer- (D) Rajsamand Lake

    Question 118. Which one of the following (Irrigation project – District) is not correctly matched?

    • (A) Bilas – Baran
    • (B) Chauli – Dungarpur
    • (C) Panchana – Karauli
    • (D) Gararda – Bundi
    Answer- (B) Chauli – Dungarpur

    Question 119. Which oilseed is grown in Rabi season in Rajasthan?

    • (A) Mustard
    • (B) Groundnut
    • (C) Soybean
    • (D) Sesame
    Answer- (A) Mustard

    Question 120. Which (Industrial Park – Place) is not correctly matched?

    • (A) Leather Park – Achrol
    • (B) Japanese Park – Neemrana
    • (C) Stone Park – Dholpur
    • (D) Hosiery Park – Chopanki
    Answer- (A) Leather Park – Achrol

    Question 121. Which (Dam – District) is not correctly matched?

    • (A) Gosunda dam – Chittorgarh
    • (B) Hingonia dam – Jaipur
    • (C) Mora Sagar dam – Tonk
    • (D) Panchana dam – Karauli
    Answer- (C) Mora Sagar dam – Tonk

    Question 122. Which one of the following (Tribe – Place/Area) is not correctly matched?

    • (A) Damor – Dungarpur
    • (B) Kathodi – Simalwara
    • (C) Garasia – Sirohi, Udaipur
    • (D) Rebari – Baran
    Answer- (B) Kathodi – Simalwara
  • This question has been removed by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) in the final answer key.
  • Question 123. Which (Handicraft – Place) is not correctly matched?

    • (A) Bandhej Tie and Dye – Jaipur
    • (B) Masuria Sari – Kaithoon
    • (C) Wooden Toys – Bassi
    • (D) Tarkashi Work – Udaipur
    Answer- (D) Tarkashi Work – Udaipur

    Question 124. The ‘Chambal’ and ‘Mahi Sugandha’ are improved varieties of which crop?

    • (A) Gram
    • (B) Mustard
    • (C) Rice
    • (D) Sugarcane
    Answer- (C) Rice

    Question 125. Which (Place – Energy Source) is not correctly matched?

    • (A) Jaisalmer – Wind Energy
    • (B) Rawatbhata – Atomic Energy
    • (C) Gorir – Solar Energy
    • (D) Giral – Geothermal Energy
    Answer- (D) Giral – Geothermal Energy

    Question 126. Degana – Bhakri in Rajasthan in famous for which mineral?

    • (A) Beryllium
    • (B) Copper
    • (C) Tungsten
    • (D) Silver
    Answer- (C) Tungsten

    Question 127. How many districts were affected by famine in Rajasthan in 2020-21?

    • (A) 9
    • (B) 21
    • (C) 10
    • (D) 6
    Answer- (D) 6

    Question 128. The agriculture done by slash and burn in Rajasthan is called-

    • (A) Kachhabu
    • (B) Pal
    • (C) Walra
    • (D) Gameti
    Answer- (C) Walra

    Question 129. Which one of the following (Research institute – State/place) is not matched correctly?

    • (A) Central Sugarcane Research Institute – Coimbatore
    • (B) Central Plantation Crops Research Institute – Kasargod
    • (C) Central Coffee Research Institute – Bellary
    • (D) Central Tobacco Research Institute – Rajahmundry
    Answer- (C) Central Coffee Research Institute – Bellary

    Question 130. The agriculture and allied sector is expected to contribute to ………. percent in Rajasthan’s Gross State Value Added (GSVA) at current prices during the year 2020-21.

    • (A) 20.77
    • (B) 29.77
    • (C) 27.77
    • (D) 33.77
    Answer- (B) 29.77

    Question 131. Which crop showed the highest increase in output during 35 years from 1980-81 to 2015 in Rajasthan?

    • (A) Bajra
    • (B) Wheat
    • (C) Rapeseed and Mustard
    • (D) Sugarcane
    Answer- (C) Rapeseed and Mustard

    Question 132. On the basis of populations of tribes, the place of Rajasthan in India is-

    • (A) `3^{rd}`
    • (B) `2^{nd}`
    • (C) `4^{th}`
    • (D) `6^{th}`
    Answer- (C) `4^{th}`

    Question 133. When was Rajasthan Agro Processing Agribusiness and Agri Exports Promotion Policy launched?

    • (A) 17 December, 2019
    • (B) 18 December, 2020
    • (C) 17 December, 2018
    • (D) 18 December, 2017
    Answer- (A) 17 December, 2019

    Question 134. Which of the following is not a beneficiary crop through the Mavath?

    • (A) Gram
    • (B) Wheat
    • (C) Groundnut
    • (D) Mustard
    Answer- (C) Groundnut

    Question 135. In Rajasthan ‘Jeevan Dhara Yojana’ is related with-

    • (A) Insurance for poor
    • (B) To built irrigation wells for SC and ST
    • (C) Health facility for SC and ST
    • (D) Drinking water for urban areas
    Answer- (B) To built irrigation wells for SC and ST

    Question 136. Which one of the following enterprise is not of government of Rajasthan?

    • (A) The Hi-tech Precision Glass Limited- Dholpur
    • (B) Rajasthan State Chemical Limited- Deedwana
    • (C) Sambhar Salts Limited
    • (D) Ganganagar Sugar Mills Limited
    Answer- (C) Sambhar Salts Limited

    Question 137. In which year did Gandhiji write the book ‘Hind Swaraj’?

    • (A) 1897
    • (B) 1906
    • (C) 1909
    • (D) 1919
    Answer- (C) 1909

    Question 138. Which of the following is an example of Monolithic Architecture?

    • (A) Dharmraj Rath of Mahabaliouram
    • (B) Mahabodhi Temple of Gaya
    • (C) Brihadeshwara Temple of Thanjavur
    • (D) Meenakshi Temple of Madurai
    Answer- (A) Dharmraj Rath of Mahabaliouram

    Question 139. Who among the following got constructed Patwon ki Haveli?

    • (A) Salim Singh
    • (B) Nathmal
    • (C) Jorawar Mal
    • (D) Guman Chand
    Answer- (D) Guman Chand

    Question 140. Asind (Bhilwara) is related to which of the following folk deity?

    • (A) Deonarayan Ji
    • (B) Mallinath Ji
    • (C) Meha Ji
    • (D) Ramdev Ji
    Answer- (A) Deonarayan Ji

    Question 141. Match the following-

    (a) Hota(I) The chief priest who performs the Yajna
    (b) Udgata(II) One who chants the hymns of Rigveda
    (c) Adhvaryu(III) One who recites the verses of Samveda
    (d) Purohit(IV) One who reads the Mantras of Yajurveda

    Codes :

    • (A) a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I
    • (B) a-I, b-III, c-IV, d-II
    • (C) a-II, b-I, c-IV, d-III
    • (D) a-II, b-IV, d-III, d-I
    Answer- (A) a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I

    Question 142. Which of the following is a string instrument?

    • (A) Satara
    • (B) Morchang
    • (C) Rawaj
    • (D) Bankia
    Answer- (C) Rawaj

    Question 143. Which of the following is not correctly matched as per Schools of Rajputana Paintings and their styles?

    • (A) Mewar School – Nathdwara and Devgarh Styles
    • (B) Marwar School – Kishangarh and Nagaur Styles
    • (C) Hadoti School – Kota and Bundi Styles
    • (D) Dhundhar School – Chavand and Udaipur Styles
    Answer- (D) Dhundhar School – Chavand and Udaipur Styles

    Question 144. When the Rajputana Madhya Bharat Sabha was established?

    • (A) 1916
    • (B) 1917
    • (C) 1918
    • (D) 1919
    Answer- (D) 1919

    Question 145. The inscription, which claims the victory of Pratihara King Kakkuka over Abhir?

    • (A) Bijolia inscription
    • (B) Arthuna inscription
    • (C) Ghatiyala inscription
    • (D) Chirva inscription
    Answer- (C) Ghatiyala inscription

    Question 146. Arrange the following early ruler of Rathore dynasty of Marwar into chronological order?

    (I) Rao Siha, (II) Rao Asthan, (III) Rao Doohad, (IV) Rao Raipal

    Choose the correct code-

    • (A) I, III, II, IV
    • (B) I, IV, III, II
    • (C) I, III, IV, II
    • (D) I, II, III, IV
    Answer- (D) I, II, III, IV

    Question 147. Match the following-

    Ancient divisions of RajasthanModern districts
    (a) Ananta-Gochar(I) Sirohi
    (b) Swarnagiri(II) Pratapgarh
    (c) Kantal(III) Jalore
    (d) Arbud(IV) Sikar

    Codes :

    • (A) a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
    • (B) a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I
    • (C) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
    • (D) a-III, b-IV, c-II, d-I
    Answer- (A) a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I

    Question 148. Match the following-

    (a) Jayanaka(I) Hammira Mahakavya
    (b) Nayanchandra Suri(II) Samaraichchakaha
    (c) Chandra Shekhar(III) Prithviraj Vijay
    (d) Haribhadra Suri(IV) Surjan-Charitra

    Codes :

    • (A) a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
    • (B) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II
    • (C) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
    • (D) a-III, b-IV, d-II, d-I
    Answer- (B) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II

    Question 149. Helru Institution is associated with-

    • (A) Garasia tribe
    • (B) Saharia tribe
    • (C) Bhil tribe
    • (D) Meena tribe
    Answer- (A) Garasia tribe

    Question 150. The ‘Hela Khyal’ folk music belongs to which areas of Rajasthan?

    • (A) Bhilwara – Ajmer
    • (B) Sikar – Jhunjhunu
    • (C) Jodhpur – Bikaner
    • (D) Dausa – Sawai Madhopur
    Answer- (D) Dausa – Sawai Madhopur

    Question 151. ‘Chaar Bait’ is the folk drama of-

    • (A) Bharatpur
    • (B) Jaipur
    • (C) Tonk
    • (D) Jalore
    Answer- (C) Tonk

    Question 152. Match the following-

    (a) Ajrakh print(I) Nathdwara
    (b) Jajam print(II) Chittorgarh
    (c) Pichwai(III) Aakola
    (d) Dabu print(IV) Barmer

    Codes :

    • (A) a-IV, b-II, c-I, d-III
    • (B) a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III
    • (C) a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
    • (D) a-III, b-I, c-IV, d-II
    Answer- (A) a-IV, b-II, c-I, d-III

    Question 153. What is ‘Maruvani’?

    • (A) A program broadcast from Jaipur radio station
    • (B) Monthly magazine of Rajasthani language
    • (C) Dictionary of Rajasthani language
    • (D) Top collection of Rajasthani songs
    Answer- (B) Monthly magazine of Rajasthani language

    Question 154. Naulakha Baori near Dungarpur was built by-

    • (A) Nathavati
    • (B) Premal Devi
    • (C) Ramarasade
    • (D) Kishori Devi
    Answer- (B) Premal Devi

    Question 155. Which fort amongst the following is put in the category of ‘Dhanwan Fort’?

    • (A) Chittorgarh fort
    • (B) Gagron fort (Jhalawar)
    • (C) Mehrangarh fort (Jodhpur)
    • (D) Sonargarh fort (Jaisalmer)
    Answer- (D) Sonargarh fort (Jaisalmer)

    Question 156. On the banks of which river did Ganeshwar civilization develop?

    • (A) Ghagghar River
    • (B) Luni River
    • (C) Kantli River
    • (D) Bansa River
    Answer- (C) Kantli River

    Question 157. “Ijlas Khas” was founded by

    • (A) Maharaja Banne Singh
    • (B) Maharaja Ajit Singh
    • (C) Maharana Sajjan Singh
    • (D) Rana Bhagwat Singh
    Answer- (C) Maharana Sajjan Singh

    Question 158. Bamlu, Likhmadesar, Panchala Siddha are related with the sect-

    • (A) Bishnoi Sect
    • (B) Nimbark Sect
    • (C) Ramsnehi Sect
    • (D) Jasnathi Sect
    Answer- (D) Jasnathi Sect

    Question 159. In which year the Right to Hearing Act has come into force in Rajasthan?

    • (A) 2010
    • (B) 2014
    • (C) 2012
    • (D) 2018
    Answer- (C) 2012

    Question 160. The ruler of Dholpur at the time of revolution of 1857 was-

    • (A) Udaibhan Singh
    • (B) Ram Singh
    • (C) Keerat Singh
    • (D) Bhagwant Singh
    Answer- (D) Bhagwant Singh

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