General Information
Exam Board | Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) |
Exam Name | Common Eligibility Test (Graduation Level) 2022/ Rajasthan CET (Graduation Level) 2022 |
Exam Date | 27-09-2024 |
Exam Phase | Second Phase (Evening Shift) |
First Answer Key issue date | 20-11-2024 |
Final Answer key issue date | 13-02-2025 |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Question paper language | Hindi & English |
Question paper type | Objective |
Total Question | 150 |
Maximum Marks | 300 |
Negative Marking | Negative marking is not applicable. |
Time | 03:00 Hours |
Note :- This question paper is solved as per the official answer key of Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB).
This question paper includes questions related to the following subjects :-
- History of Rajasthan and India with special emphasis on the Indian National Movement.
- History, Art, Cultural, Literature, Tradition and Heritage of Rajasthan.
- Geography of India.
- Geography of Rajasthan.
- Indian political system with special emphasis on Rajasthan.
- Economy of India.
- Economy of Rajasthan.
- Science and Technology.
- Logical reasoning and mental ability.
- Language Knowledge : General Hindi
- Language Knowledge : General English
- Knowledge of computer.
- Current Affairs.
1. Overwhelmed by the beauty of which of the following forts did British Historian James Tod say that – if he was offered a jagir in Rajasthan, he would choose that fort ?
- (A) Chittorgarh Fort
- (B) Taragarh Fort
- (C) Bhainsogarh Fort
- (D) Nahargarh Fort
2. Which language is spoken in the areas of Banswara, Dungarpur and the nearby hilly areas ?
- (A) Hadoti
- (B) Mewati
- (C) Vagri
- (D) Shekhawati
3. In which year was Kalbelia dance form included in UNESCO’s intangible heritage list ?
- (A) 2008
- (B) 2009
- (C) 2010
- (D) 2011
4. किस समास में सभी पद प्रधान होते हैं ?
- (A) अव्ययीभाव
- (B) तत्पुरुष
- (C) बहुव्रीहि
- (D) द्वंद्व
5. क्रिया या धातु के अंत में लगाए जाने वाले प्रत्यय कहलाते हैं –
- (A) तद्धित प्रत्यय
- (B) स्त्री प्रत्यय
- (C) कृत प्रत्यय
- (D) ऊनवाचक तद्धित प्रत्यय
6. इनमें से कौन-सा शब्द ‘अमिय’ का पर्यायवाची नहीं है?
- (A) पीयूष
- (B) सुधा
- (C) कृशानु
- (D) जीवनोदक
7. नीचे दो कथन दिए गए हैं :
कथन (I) : विराम चिह्नों का प्रयोग विराम या रुकने के लिए किया जाता है।
कथन (II) : विराम चिह्नों के गलत प्रयोग से अर्थ का अनर्थ भी हो जाता है।
उपरोक्त कथनों के आलोक में निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त उत्तर चुनें :
- (A) कथन I और कथन II दोनों सही हैं।
- (B) कथन I और कथन II दोनों गलत हैं।
- (C) कथन I सही है लेकिन कथन II गलत है।
- (D) कथन I गलत है लेकिन कथन II सही है।
8. 628, 429, 183, 249, 416
From the above sequence of given numbers, what is the sum of the unit digit of third number from left and tens digit of the fourth number from the right ?
- (A) 3
- (B) 5
- (C) 7
- (D) 6
9. Sushil is the son-in-law of Bhumi’s maternal grandmother Sangita. Ravi is the only son-in-law of Bhumi’s mother. How Ravi is related to Sangita ?
- (A) Grandson
- (B) Uncle
- (C) Husband of Granddaughter
- (D) Brother-in-law
10. If ‘threat’ is coded as 289512, then ‘BRIDGESTONE’ will be coded as :
- (A) 27947513855
- (B) 29947612955
- (C) 28947612855
- (D) 29947512655
11. In Rajasthan putting a gold nail between the teeth is known as :-
- (A) Daamna
- (B) Baari
- (C) Choonp
- (D) Borla
12. In which Rajasthani folk dance, dhol, bankiya and thali are used as the main instruments ?
- (A) Ghudla
- (B) Chang
- (C) Dandiya
- (D) Gair
13. Where is Nataniyon Ki Haveli situated ?
- (A) Jhunjhunu
- (B) Churu
- (C) Jaipur
- (D) Lakshmangarh
14. Who among the following established mobile reading rooms and libraries at various places in Rajasthan ?
- (A) Pt. Jhabar Mal Sharma
- (B) Acharya Tulsi
- (C) Swami Keshwanand
- (D) Komal Kothari
15. Which of the following leaders led the Bijolia movement ?
- (A) Vijay Singh Pathik
- (B) Chuna Ram Punia
- (C) Kanwar Vijay Pal
- (D) Surendra Singh
16. Which of the following sector plays most important role in the economy of Rajasthan state ?
- (A) Industry Sector
- (B) Health Sector
- (C) Agriculture Sector
- (D) Education Sector
17. Which of the following are cash crops of Rajasthan state ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) Cotton and Tobacco
- (B) Tea and Sugarcane
- (C) Coffee and Cereals
- (D) Soyabean and Cocoa
18. निम्नलिखित में से ‘आजिवीका’ का शुद्ध रूप है –
- (A) अजीविका
- (B) अजिविका
- (C) आजीविका
- (D) आजिविका
19. इनमें से कौन-सा वाक्य अशुद्ध है ?
- (A) घनश्याम की पाँच दरियाँ या एक कंबल बिकेगा।
- (B) घनश्याम की पाँच दरियाँ या एक कंबल बिकेंगे।
- (C) घनश्याम का एक कंबल या पाँच दरियाँ बिकेंगी।
- (D) घनश्याम की पाँच दरियाँ या पाँच कंबल बिकेंगे।
20. सूची-I के साथ सूची-II का मिलान कीजिए।
सूची-I | सूची-II |
(I) कलम तोड़ना | (a) संतोष होना |
(II) खेत रहना या आना | (b) सम्माननीय का अनादर करना |
(III) चाँद पर थूकना | (c) बढ़िया लिखना |
(IV) कलेजा ठंडा होना | (d) वीरगति पाना |
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त उत्तर का चयन कीजिए :
- (A) I-C, II-b, III-d, IV-a
- (B) I-d, II-c, III-a, IV-b
- (C) I-b, II-d, III-c, IV-a
- (D) I-c, II-d, III-b, IV-a
21. निम्न में से किस नियम के अंतर्गत हिंदी के प्रगामी प्रयोग को प्रभावी ढंग से लागू करने के उद्देश्य से पूरे भारत को तीन क्षेत्रों में बाँटा गया है ?
- (A) राजभाषा अधिनियम, 1963
- (B) राजभाषा अधिनियम, 1967
- (C) राजभाषा नियम, 1973
- (D) राजभाषा नियम, 1976
22. Who was awarded Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award 2022 for Table Tennis ?
- (A) Kamlesh Mehta
- (B) Manika Batra
- (C) Sharath Kamal Achanta
- (D) Soumyajit Ghosh
23. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right under the Constitution of India ?
- (A) Right to Education
- (B) Right to Property
- (C) Right of Equality
- (D) Right of Freedom
24. Salt water crocodile is main fauna of which of the following biosphere reserves ?
- (A) Simlipal
- (B) Great Nicobar
- (C) Kutch
- (D) Panna
25. Which among the following is the longest river of Rajasthan ?
- (A) Chambal
- (B) Luni
- (C) Sabarmati
- (D) Khari
26. The Thar desert comprises the desert triangle of three cities – (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) Jaisalmer – Jodhpur – Barmer
- (B) Bikaner – Jaisalmer – Pali
- (C) Bikaner – Jaisalmer – Barmer
- (D) Jaisalmer – Jodhpur – Bikaner
27. Barkana water falls is situated in which of the following state of India ?
- (A) Karnataka
- (B) Goa
- (C) Tamil Nadu
- (D) Odisha
28. Which of the following mineral is non-metallic and inorganic ?
- (A) Natural Gas
- (B) Coal
- (C) Petroleum
- (D) Graphite
29. Which of the following is not a type of Iron ore ?
- (A) Siderite
- (B) Limonite
- (C) Magnetite
- (D) Lignite
30. The length, breadth and height of room are 12 m, 9 m and 8 m respectively. The length of the longest bamboo pole that can be placed in it, is :
- (A) 19 m
- (B) 18 m
- (C) 17 m
- (D) 15 m
31. The inner circumference of a circular path around a circular lawn is 660 m. What is the radius (in meter) of the outer circumference of the path, if the path is 14 m wide ?
- (A) 110 m
- (B) 119 m
- (C) 115 m
- (D) 84 m
32. A Shopkeeper sold an article for ₹ 400 at a loss of 20%. At what price he should sell the article to make a profit of 10% ?
- (A) ₹ 550
- (B) ₹ 500
- (C) ₹ 520
- (D) ₹ 530
33. Which of the following is the application of computer mostly used in medical field ?
- (A) To create advertisement
- (B) To visualize 3D objects
- (C) To provide distance education
- (D) To provide assistance in surgery
34. Which of the following is not the class/category of computers ?
- (A) Micro Computer
- (B) Mini Computer
- (C) Mainframe Computer
- (D) Parallel Computer
35. Which Indian has won the 2023 Ramon Magsaysay Award ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) Kailash Vidyarthi
- (B) Ghazal Alagh
- (C) Gautam Adani
- (D) Ravi Kannan
36. Who was the Deputy Prime Minister and first Home Minister of Independent India ?
- (A) Mahatma Gandhi
- (B) C. Raj Gopalachari
- (C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
- (D) Rafi Ahmad Kidwai
37. After the partition of India in 1947, which of the following archaeological sites remained on the Indian side ?
- (A) Harappa
- (B) Mohenjodaro
- (C) Gunveriewala
- (D) Kalibangan
38. Who is the family deity of Bikaner royal family ?
- (A) Karni Mata
- (B) Jeen Mata
- (C) Sakraya Mata
- (D) Aai Mata
39. As per the Constitution of India, the name of a state in the Union of India can be altered by –
- (A) Cabinet Committee
- (B) Governor
- (C) President
- (D) Parliament
40. When was Rajasthan Information Commission constituted ?
- (A) April 18, 2005
- (B) April 18, 2006
- (C) April 28, 2005
- (D) April 28, 2006
41. Which of the following position of not mentioned in Constitution of India ?
- (A) Prime Minister
- (B) Chief Minister
- (C) Deputy Chief Minister
- (D) Loksabha Speaker
42. Who among the following commonly serves as the Chancellor of State Universities ?
- (A) Prime Minister
- (B) Minister of Education
- (C) Chief Minister
- (D) Governor
43. Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : In April 1919, the Udaipur state government formed a Commission under the chairmanship of Mandalgarh Hakim Bindulal Bhattacharya, in order to listen to the Complaints of Bijolia farmers. The Commission advocated various recommendations for the benefit of the farmers.
Statement (II) : Officers of the Foreign Ministry of Indian government believed that a quick alliance should be made with the Bijoliya Kisan Panchayat, otherwise the peasant movement may take a violent form in Rajputana.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
- (A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
- (B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
- (C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
- (D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement I is correct.
44. Who of the following social reformers was associated with the abolition of Sati Pratha ?
- (A) Vivekanand
- (B) Dayanand Saraswati
- (C) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- (D) Govind Ranade
45. “The Indian War of Independence”, book was written by whom ?
- (A) Mahatma Gandhi
- (B) R. C. Majumdar
- (C) Baba Amte
- (D) Veer Savarkar
46. In which of the following year United Nations adopted the UN guidelines for consumer protection ?
- (A) 1979
- (B) 1981
- (C) 1983
- (D) 1985
47. Which among the following organizations control the business of Insurance in India ?
- (A) RBI
- (B) LIC
- (D) SEBI
48. NITI AAYOG was established on : (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) 1st January, 2014
- (B) 15th August, 2014
- (C) 15th August, 2015
- (D) 1st January, 2015
49. Which of the following statement is not correct about the Tertiary Coal ?
- (A) It is also known as the brown Coal.
- (B) It is an inferior quality Coal.
- (C) It contributes to about 25% of the total coal production of the country.
- (D) It is found in the rocks of the oligocene period of the Tertiary Era.
50. Karewa formation are useful for the cultivation of __________ .
- (A) Zafran/Saffron
- (B) Cotton
- (C) Jute
- (D) Coffee
51. Which of the following river is right bank tributary of the Ganga River System ?
- (A) Ramganga
- (B) Son
- (C) Gomti
- (D) Ghaghara
52. Son river is a tributary of which of the following ?
- (A) Ganga
- (B) Yamuna
- (C) Mahanadi
- (D) Narmada
53. The Southern most Himalayas are known as _________ .
- (A) Shiwalik
- (B) Himadri
- (C) Himachal
- (D) Aravali
54. Which one of the following is the oldest oil refinery in India ?
- (A) Mathura refinery
- (B) Koyali refinery
- (C) Digboi refinery
- (D) Haldia refinery
55. ‘Doddabetta’ is the highest peak in Tamil Nadu. This is a part of which of the following famous mountain range ?
- (A) Nilgiri Mountains
- (B) Aravali Mountains
- (C) Satpura Mountains
- (D) Pir Panjal Mountains
56. Choose the most appropriate Hindi word for – “Endorsement”.
- (A) प्रयत्न करना
- (B) पृष्ठांकन करना
- (C) प्रदान करना
- (D) जारी करना
57. Which of the following best describes the function of control unit ?
- (A) Control the operations of memory, processor and input/ output devices.
- (B) Perform the logical operations.
- (C) Convert the external data to form understood by computer.
- (D) Perform the arithmetic operations.
58. Which of the following facility is mainly provided by E-mitraplus initiative of Rajasthan ?
- (A) To apply for birth certificate, domicile etc.
- (B) Payment facility for individual firms
- (C) GIS based Decision Support System
- (D) Video conferencing
59. Which of the following tax generates maximum amount of revenue for the Government of India ?
- (A) Income Tax
- (B) Sales Tax
- (C) Custom Duties
- (D) Corporate Tax
60. Which of the following is outside the ambit of GST ?
- (A) Natural Gas
- (B) Tobacco
- (C) Alcoholic Liquor
- (D) Motor Spirit
61. Which of the following is an example of joint sector industry ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
- (B) Oil India Limited
- (C) Steel Authority of India Limited
- (D) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
62. Which of the following is a mineral-based industry ?
- (A) Textile Industry
- (B) Fish Oil Industry
- (C) Petrochemicals Industry
- (D) Food Processing Industry
63. Which of the following statement is not correct about the Chhota Nagpur Plateau Industrial region ?
- (A) This region is popularly known as “Ruhr of India”.
- (B) This region extends over Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh.
- (C) Ranchi, Dhanbad, Chaibasa, Sindri are some important industrial centres of this region.
- (D) This region owes its development to being rich in iron ore from Jharkhand-Odisha and coal from Damodar Valley.
64. The concept of ‘equality before law’ is an element of the concept of ‘Rule of Law’ which was propounded by –
- (A) Paul Janet
- (B) A.V. Dicey
- (C) Lord Acton
- (D) Ivor Jennings
65. Match List-I with List-II.
List-I | List-I |
(I) Chipko Movement | (a) Afro Asian Conference |
(II) Bandung Conference | (b) A proposal made by big industrialists in 1944 for setting up a planned economy |
(III) Dr. P.C. Mahalanobis | (c) An environment movement to prevent cutting down of trees |
(IV) Bombay Plan | (d) Economist under whose leadership the Second Five Year Plan was drafted |
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
- (A) I-a, II-c, III-d, IV-b
- (B) I-b, II-a, III-d, IV-c
- (C) I-c, II-a, III-d, IV-b
- (D) I-b, II-c, III-d, IV-a
66. The famous speech by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, addressed on the midnight of 14-15 August 1947 is called __________ .
- (A) Tryst with destiny
- (B) Tried with destiny
- (C) Tryst with honesty
- (D) Tryst and Co-operation
67. The cities that were divided into communal zones during the partition of India were –
- (A) Lahore, Amritsar and Hyderabad
- (B) Lahore, Amritsar and Calcutta
- (C) Amritsar, Calcutta and Jammu & Kashmir
- (D) Lahore, Bihar and Calcutta
68. Which of the following is not a Kharif crop ?
- (A) Maize
- (B) Pearl-Millet
- (C) Gram
- (D) Rice
69. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option :
9, 28, 65, 126, ________
- (A) 204
- (B) 194
- (C) 206
- (D) 217
70. In the given question, choose the number letter group which is different from the others.
- (A) PH3
- (B) XL2
- (C) JB5
- (D) OE3
71. Select the related word from the given options :
Animals : Zoology : : Blood : ?
- (A) Hematology
- (B) Pathology
- (C) Anatomy
- (D) Entomology
72. ‘कार्यालय ज्ञापन’, निम्न में से किस शैली में लिखा जाता है ?
- (A) उत्तम पुरुष
- (B) मध्यम पुरुष
- (C) अन्य पुरुष
- (D) प्रथम पुरुष
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow : (Q. 73 to 76)
Show me a doctor who is not confused about nutrition and I will show you a doctor who has not kept up with research. Though nutritionists like to claim that basic nutritional advice does not change from year to year, the truth is that each week brings new studies, new research and new health warnings. Nor do all the studies agree with each other. Often they are contradictory and further confuse lay people.
Part of the problem is that many studies are financed by the food industry, which has a vested interest in the outcomes. And much of the so-called nutritional wisdom that has been propounded over the decades does not emerge out of pure science but out of the commercial interests of those passing on the advice.
The most famous example of this sort of thing may be the rule – rigidly advocated by some doctors over the years – that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skip breakfast, you will be told, and there will be damaging consequences for your health.
You can trace the roots of the advice to (surprise, surprise!) the American cereal industry and to such food faddists as the Kellogg family (owners of the eponymous cereal company).
It has always been a peculiarly Anglo-Saxon idea. People do eat breakfast all over the world but they do not necessarily attach such great importance to it. Nor do countries without a breakfast tradition see s sharp decline in public health. For instance, in France, breakfast may well consist of black coffee and a cigarette. The cigarette is not a good idea but the absence of solid food in the morning doesn’t really hurt the French very much. Until the fast food industry spread all over France in the last decade or so, the French had much lower rates of heart disease than most English-speaking countries.
In the US, the bogus breakfast orthodoxy has led parents to feed children sugary cereals and stuff like pancakes with sugar syrup (often misleadingly packaged as maple syrup). There is finally a recognition that the breakfast-is-essential myth has actually contributed to a decline in American public health, the obesity epidemic and to tooth decay. Manufacturers of sugary cereals are quickly putting out new ‘low-sugar’ variations.
Some doctors still insist that the first meal of the day may be the most important. But the scientific evidence supports the view that if you avoid breakfast nothing terrible will happen to you.
73. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option :
In reality the ________ benefits from advocating the need for taking breakfast.
- (A) general public
- (B) French people
- (C) children
- (D) food Industry
74. According to the conclusion of the passage, breakfast –
- (A) Is essential and not to be skipped.
- (B) Skipping cannot harm you.
- (C) Is the most significant meal of the day.
- (D) Contributes to an individual’s health.
75. In America, obesity and tooth decay have assumed the proportion of an epidemic because of the –
- (A) Vested interest of the general public
- (B) Consumption of sugary cereals.
- (C) Greek idea of breakfast.
- (D) Consumption of savoury food
76. Bogus means ________ .
- (A) False
- (B) Big
- (C) True
- (D) Confident
77. Which of the following three years were declared as Plan Holidays from five year plans in India ?
- (A) 1957 to 1960
- (B) 1961 to 1964
- (C) 1966 to 1969
- (D) 1969 to 1972
78. Dr. Savita Ben Ambedkar inter-caste marriage help scheme was launched in the year –
- (A) 2006
- (B) 2007
- (C) 2010
- (D) 2012
79. Rajasthan handicraft policy has come into force on __________ .
- (A) 17 September, 2022
- (B) 18 September, 2022
- (C) 20 December, 2023
- (D) 23 November, 2023
80. Which of the following facility is not provided by the Rajasthan Sampark Portal ?
- (A) Grievance Redressal
- (B) GIS integration and data analytics
- (C) Video-conferencing
- (D) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
81. Which of the following two states have a joint plan under Mahi Project ?
- (A) Rajasthan – Madhya Pradesh
- (B) Rajasthan – Punjab
- (C) Rajasthan – Gujarat
- (D) Rajasthan – Haryana
82. The characteristics of computer in which, computer can perform different types of tasks with the same ease is known as :
- (A) Speed
- (B) Versatility
- (C) Reliability
- (D) Diligence
83. Which of the following is not a Constitutional Body ?
- (A) Union Public Service Commission
- (B) Finance Commission
- (C) Election Commission
- (D) National Human Rights Commission
84. Which of the following language is not included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution ?
- (A) Nepali
- (B) Sindhi
- (C) English
- (D) Santhali
85. Choose the most appropriate option from below to complete the sentence :
A formal letter concludes with a –
- (A) Subject
- (B) Salutation
- (C) Signature
- (D) Repo Rate
86. Fill in the blank by choosing the most appropriate option :
He was indignant __________ being cheated by the smooth talk of the salesman.
- (A) with
- (B) in
- (C) of
- (D) at
87. Change the direct speech into indirect speech by selecting the most appropriate option from below :
He said, “I do not wish to see any of you, go away.”
- (A) He said that he had not wished to see any of them and ordered them to go away.
- (B) He told that he did not wish to see any of them and ordered them to go away.
- (C) He said that he does not wish to see any of us and ordered us to go away.
- (D) He told that he did not wish wo see us and ordered us to go away.
88. Change the sentence into passive voice by choosing the most appropriate option :
They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day.
- (A) The zoo feeds the seals twice a day.
- (B) They feed the seals twice a day at the zoo.
- (C) The seals are fed twice a day at the zoo.
- (D) Twice a day the seals are being fed at the zoo.
89. The simple interest of a certain sum of rupees for 8 years at 7.5% annual rate is ₹ 7,500. What is the simple interest on same sum for 8 years, if the rate of interest is increased by 2.5% ?
- (A) ₹ 20,000
- (B) ₹ 12,500
- (C) ₹ 10,000
- (D) ₹ 12,000
90. जब एक ही स्वर के ह्रस्व या दीर्घ रूप साथ-साथ आएँ तो दोनों स्वरों के स्थान पर कौन-सा स्वर हो जाता है ?
- (A) ह्रस्व स्वर
- (B) दीर्घ स्वर
- (C) अर्द्ध स्वर
- (D) पूर्ण स्वर
91. Geostationary satellites are positioned at _________ km upward distance from earth surface.
- (A) 26000
- (B) 36000
- (C) 55690
- (D) 45990
92. Concentrated nitric acid (aq) reacts with copper to give
- (A) Copper nitrate and hydrogen gas
- (B) Copper nitrate, nitrogen monoxide and water
- (C) Copper nitrate, nitrogen dioxide and water
- (D) Copper oxide and dinitrogen oxide
93. Colour blind person is unable to discriminate between :
- (A) Red and yellow colour
- (B) Blue and red colour
- (C) Red and green colour
- (D) Blue and green colour
94. Select the option that is related to the third letter cluster in the same way as the second letter cluster is related to the first letter cluster.
95. How many numbers from 11 to 70 are there which are exactly divisible by 7 but not by 3 ?
- (A) Nine
- (B) Five
- (C) Seven
- (D) Six
96. On increasing the numerator of a fraction by 15% and decreasing its denominator by 8%, the fraction becomes \frac{15}{16}, the original fraction is :
- (A) \frac{5}{4}
- (B) \frac{3}{4}
- (C) \frac{6}{5}
- (D) \frac{7}{4}
97. Amit, Sumit and Vinay divide an amount of ₹ 2800, amongst themselves in the ratio of 5 : 6 : 3 respectively. If an amount of ₹ 200 is added to the share of each, what will be the new ratio of their shares of the amount ?
- (A) 6 : 9 : 4
- (B) 6 : 7 : 4
- (C) 7 : 8 : 5
- (D) 4 : 5 : 2
98. The average of 11 observation is 50. If the average of first six observations is 40 and the average of last six observations is 55, then the sixth observation is :
- (A) 30
- (B) 40
- (C) 20
- (D) 35
99. Zinc reacts with dilute nitric acid (aq) to give
- (A) Zn(NO3) + H2O + N2O
- (B) Zn(NO3)2 + H2
- (C) Zn(NO3) + H2O + NO2
- (D) Zn(NO3)2 + NO + H2O
100. Which of the following is not a part of chromosome ?
- (A) Satellite
- (B) F1 particle
- (C) Centromere
- (D) Chromatid
101. Nathu La Pass is situated in which State/ UT of India ?
- (A) Meghalaya
- (B) Jammu and Kashmir
- (C) Sikkim
- (D) Arunachal Pradesh
102. Who is the head of the Indian Audit and Account Department ?
- (A) Finance Minister
- (B) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
- (C) Prime Minister
- (D) Attorney General of India
103. Which of the following is not a constitutional post ?
- (A) Governor
- (B) The Chief Justice
- (C) RBI Governor
- (D) Speaker
104. Which of the following is the largest inhabited riverine island in the world ?
- (A) Majuli
- (B) Umananda
- (C) Marajo
- (D) Doab
105. Which of the following river is not a part of Indus River System ?
- (A) Chenab
- (B) Kosi
- (C) Ravi
- (D) Satluj
106. Which of the following Lake is not a Saline water lake in Rajasthan ?
- (A) Sambhar
- (B) Didwana
- (C) Pichola
- (D) Pachpadra
107. Identify the most appropriate idiom which can replace the underlined words :
Rohit has the reputation of complicating and confusing things when any issue is raised in the meeting.
- (A) as clear as mud
- (B) muddying the waters
- (C) in complete shambles
- (D) got our wires crossed
108. Identify the word that can best substitute the given expression :
One who is too strong to be defeated.
- (A) Invulnerable
- (B) Indefatigable
- (C) Insolvent
- (D) Invincible
109. Identify the most appropriate antonym of the given word from below :
- (A) Stoicism
- (B) Stupor
- (C) Aloofness
- (D) Fervor
110. Amar and Akbar start walking in opposite direction. Amar walked 24 km and Akbar walked 7 km. Then Amar turned left and walked 7 km and Akbar turned right and walked 24 km. How far is each of them from the starting point ?
- (A) 27 km
- (B) 25 km
- (C) 26 km
- (D) 31 km
111. A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row facing north. E and F are in the center, and A and B are at the ends. C is sitting on the immediate left of A. Who is sitting on the immediate right of B ?
- (A) E
- (B) A
- (C) F
- (D) D
112. Which Indian Constitutional amendment raised the age of retirement of a High Court Judge from 60 to 62 years ?
- (A) 15th Constitutional Amendment
- (B) 16th Constitutional Amendment
- (C) 17th Constitutional Amendment
- (D) 18th Constitutional Amendment
113. Match List-I with List-II.
List-I | List-II |
(I) Goods and Service Tax | (a) Article 82 |
(II) Delimitation Commission | (b) Prime Minister |
(III) Survey of India | (c) Dept. of Science and Technology |
(IV) Dept. of Atomic Energy | (d) Article 246 A |
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
- (A) I-a, II-b, III-c, IV-d
- (B) I-d, II-a, III-c, IV-b
- (C) I-d, II-c, III-b, IV-a
- (D) I-b, II-d, III-a, IV-c
114. निम्नलिखित में से ‘पित्रादेश’ शब्द का सही संधि विच्छेद है –
- (A) पित्र + आदेश
- (B) पित्रा + देश
- (C) पितृ + आदेश
- (D) पिता + आदेश
115. ‘चाल’, शब्द किस संज्ञा का उदाहरण है ?
- (A) समूहवाचक
- (B) व्यक्तिवाचक
- (C) जातिवाचक
- (D) भाववाचक
116. रचना की दृष्टि से क्रिया के सामान्यतः कितने भेद होते हैं ?
- (A) दो
- (B) तीन
- (C) चार
- (D) पाँच
117. First Indian spacecraft which will carry 3 members and will orbit for 3 days in space is :
- (B) Gaganyaan
- (C) Spadex
- (D) Bhaskar 3
118. Which of the following is not the allotropes of carbon ?
- (A) Fullerene
- (B) Ethanol
- (C) Graphite
- (D) Diamond
119. Which of the following is responsible for the dark brown or reddish colour given by henna ?
- (A) Luciferin
- (B) Melanin
- (C) Lawsone
- (D) Hydroquinine
120. Which of the following input device is used to input temperatures and moisture etc. ?
- (A) Webcam
- (B) Scanners
- (C) Joystics
- (D) Sensors
121. Cyber security is also called, “Security of Information Technology”. It is used mainly to :
- (A) Connect different computers together
- (B) Used to share the resources on internet
- (C) Stop unauthorized access into various computers
- (D) Used to send letters by post
122. In which year the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was set up ?
- (A) 1962
- (B) 1969
- (C) 1972
- (D) 1952
123. SVAMITVA Scheme is associated with
- (A) Water conservation in urban areas.
- (B) Demarcation of inhabited land in rural areas.
- (C) Property survey scheme in rural areas.
- (D) Soil conservation in rural areas.
124. National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on ___________ .
- (A) 20 April
- (B) 22 April
- (C) 24 April
- (D) 26 April
125. Choose the correct combination from below :
- (A) IDBI – Short Term Loans
- (B) RBI – Long Term Loans
- (C) SBI – Monetary Policy
- (D) RRB – Agricultural Finance
126. How many industries were reserved only for public sector before the deregulation of the Industrial Sector in 1991 ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) 20
- (B) 14
- (C) 24
- (D) 17
127. The actual growth rate achieved in the 11th Five Year Plan was : (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) 9%
- (B) 8%
- (C) 7%
- (D) 10%
128. GST Council is Constitutional body established under the following article :
- (A) 279 A
- (B) 184 (1)
- (C) 247
- (D) 122
129. Khadi Kamgar Arthik Protsahan Yojana has been implemented in the Rajasthan state from –
- (A) 13 July, 2022
- (B) 14 July, 2022
- (C) 15 July, 2023
- (D) 16 July, 2024
130. Match List-I with List-II :
List-I (Scheme) | List-II (Launched) |
(I) Shudh ke liye youdh | (a) 26 October, 2020 |
(II) Nirogi Rajasthan Abhiyan | (b) 18 December, 2019 |
(III) Indira Rasoi Yojana | (c) 20 August, 2020 |
(IV) Indira Gandhi urban credit | (d) 24 February, 2021 |
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
- (A) I-a, II-b, III-c, IV-d
- (B) I-b, II-c, III-d, IV-a
- (C) I-c, II-d, III-a, IV-b
- (D) I-d, II-c, III-b, IV-a
131. Indira Gandhi Nahar Project (IGNP) is better known as the life line of – (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) Western Rajasthan
- (B) Eastern Rajasthan
- (C) Northern Rajasthan
- (D) Southern Rajasthan
132. What is the food pattern ratio of GOZ and GOR in National Food Security Mission (NFSM) on wheat and pulses launched in Rajasthan in the year 2007-2008 ?
- (A) 60 : 40
- (B) 50 : 50
- (C) 70 : 30
- (D) 80 : 20
133. Critical Minerals Summit 2024, was held in which of the following city/ U.T. ?
- (A) Mumbai
- (B) New Delhi
- (C) Kolkata
- (D) Chennai
134. Poona Pact 1932, was associated with which of the following Leaders ?
- (A) Mahatma Gandhi and Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- (B) Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar and Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- (C) Mahatma Gandhi and Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
- (D) Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
135. Who established Depressed Classes Association ?
- (A) Mahatma Gandhi
- (B) Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
- (C) Jawaharlal Nehru
- (D) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
136. Choose the most appropriate option to complete the given sentence.
They withheld his results. He ________ the proof of his age.
- (A) has not furnished
- (B) had not furnished
- (C) didn’t furnish
- (D) doesn’t furnish
137. Choose the most appropriate option to complete the given sentence :
There was _________ knock on ________ door. I opened it and found _________ small dark man in blue overcoat and _________ woollen cap.
- (A) a, the, a, a
- (B) the, a, _____, the
- (C) an, the, an ,a
- (D) a, a, the, the
138. Identify the most appropriate English translation of the given sentence :
वह थोड़ी ताजा हवा खाने के लिए बाहर आ गया।
- (A) He came out to eat a little fresh air.
- (B) He came outside for a breath of fresh air.
- (C) He gulped some fresh air outside.
- (D) Fresh air can be had only outside.
139. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी ध्वनियाँ अघोष हैं ?
(I) छ, (II) ज, (III) त, (IV) न, (V) प
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सर्वाधिक उपयुक्त उत्तर का चयन कीजिए :
- (A) केवल II, III और IV
- (B) केवल I, III और V
- (C) केवल I, IV और V
- (D) केवल II, IV और V
140. ‘Deputation’ के लिए हिंदी में समानार्थक शब्द है –
- (A) प्रतिनियुक्ति
- (B) नियुक्ति
- (C) प्रतिभूति
- (D) निवृत्ति
141. Arrange the following words according to dictionary arrangement :
(a) Except, (b) Expect, (c) Excess (d) Exit
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
- (A) b, d, a, c
- (B) b, a, d, c
- (C) c, d, a, b
- (D) a, c, d, b
142. Choose the venn diagram which best illustrates the three given classes :
Flowers, Red, Fruits

143. There is a definite relationship between figures (i) and (ii). Establish a similar relationship between figures (iii) and (iv) by selecting a suitable figure from the options. So select a figure from the options that would replace question mark (?)
Problem Figure

144. National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLC) is implemented to eradicate poverty for __________ across the Rajasthan state during the financial year 2022-2023.
- (A) rural poor
- (B) urban poor
- (C) tribal poor
- (D) slum poor
145. Cooperative movement in Rajasthan region was started in the year _______ . (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) 1904
- (B) 1910
- (C) 1912
- (D) 1914
146. Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : Sodium metal is stored in kerosene oil because it is highly reactive.
Statement (II) : Sodium metal reacts vigorously with nitrogen.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
- (A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
- (B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
- (C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
- (D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.
147. At the time of India’s Independence, how many Riyasat were there in present day Rajasthan (Rajputana Region) ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) 19
- (B) 21
- (C) 25
- (D) 29
148. ‘Indian National Army’ (INA) was created by – (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
- (A) Lala Lajpat Rai
- (B) Bhagat Singh
- (C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- (D) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
149. Name the person who went on a fast in 1952 demanding a separate State of Andhra and died during the fast.
- (A) Potti Sriramulu
- (B) Sriram Gandhi
- (C) Ramlal Gaya
- (D) B. P. Sarabhai
150. Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : In the context of the revolt of 1857, the term revolt refers primarily to the uprising of the civilian population.
Statement (II) : Mutiny was a collective disobedience of rules and regulations within the armed forces.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
- (A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
- (B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
- (C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
- (D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.