Tea is an indigenous crop of ________ .
Choose the most appropriate option :
A good official letter need not have -Clear
Which of the following input devices allows to input alphanumeric characters and special characters into the computer ?
Dholpur Combined Cycle Power Station is operated by __________ .
Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank in the given sentence :
If they _____________ that picture lower, people would be able to see it.Clear
The pair of autosomes present in human beings are :
In PowerPoint presentation, animation mainly decides. (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar led the Mahad Satyagraha in March 1927 to challenge the regressive customs of the caste Hindus.
Statement (II) : Dr. Ambedkar established the Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha in 1924 to highlight the difficulties and grievances of the dalits before the governmnet.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
'घर का जोगी जोगड़ा, आन गाँव का सिद्ध', लोकोक्ति का अर्थ है :
Read the passage and answer the question given below :
In an often-overwhelming world, staying sane means learning to remember and allowing to forget. Phones, wallets, sunglasses, keys, a box of cornflakes, even a ukulele and, once, a gate valve. These are among the things that passengers have forgotten in cabs in 2023, according to Uber India's annual 'Lost and Found Index'. Further insights suggest that Delhi is the most forgetful city in India, that people are most prone to absentmindedness in the evening-from 7 pm to 9 pm - and that the festive days around Diwali tend to make people more distracted than any other time of the year. No doubt this information is amusing, and even useful- one could, for example, learn to be vigilant about one's belongings during the weary, post-work cab ride home. But the real lesson here is that forgetfulness is inevitable.
In Remember : The Science of Memory and the Aft of Forgetting, the American neuroscientist Lisa Genova explains that "a finely orchestrated balancing act between data storage and data disposal" is key to a well-functioning memory system. In other words, as much as remembering - to turn off the gas, your child's smile when you return from work or that the deadline for filing tax returns is close- is necessary, so is forgetting- your score in Class X boards, the heartbreak of an early love or the time a colleague slighted you. In their own way, both help maintain sanity in an often- overwhelming world. Consider the condition of the titular character in Jorge Luis Borges's story 'Funes the Memorious' whose prodigious memory forced him to note the progress of decay, corruption, fatigue and death and doomed him to be "the solitary and lucid spectator of ....... an intolerably precise world".
Que- The main idea in the write-up is :Clear
When an emergency is declared due to the failure of the constitutional machinery in the states. It is invoked under :
Which of the following banks is known as Bankers Bank in India ?
If B = 25, SON = 33, then PEN = ?
Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : Phosphate rock is mostly used in the manufacture of superphosphate which is utilized as a Nutrient for crops, fruits and flowers.
Statement (II) : Phosphate rock has been located at Maton, Karbaria-Ka-Gurha, Kanpur, Dakan Kotra and Neemach hill, all the Aravalli formation of the Pre-Cambrian age near Udaipur and Jaisalmer
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
________ has been established, by government of Rajasthan, with an objective to disseminate useful scientific and technological knowledge at the ground root levels.
इनमें से कौन सा विसर्ग संधि का उदाहरण नहीं है ?
The Rakha Copper Mines are located in ________ .
In how many agro climatic zones, is the state of Rajasthan divided, for the purpose of agriculture ?
'CAZRI' institute is mainly involved in research of __________ .
Which one of the following Iron-ores known as Iron-Carbonate ?
The assertive role played by the judiciary in the protection of the rights of the citizens and in promotion of justice in society by intervening in areas falling within the domain of legislature and executive is called.
Which place of Sikar area is famous for gota industry ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
From the options below, choose the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence :
Laila's feelings "down in the dumps" is a temporary phase.Clear
The smallest unit of data in computer is __________ .
In India's context full form of CSIR is :
Who was called the Father of Indian Renaissance ?
Co-founder of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was __________ .
The Darrah Game Sanctuary was converted as __________ .
This vitamin is an antioxidant, fat soluble and obtained from plant oils :
Which of the following tourist centre is not located near Ajmer ?
सूची-I के साथ सूची-II का मिलान कीजिए :
सूची-I | सूची-II |
(a) Endorsement | (I) लिप्यंतरण |
(b) Transliteration | (II) अनुमोदन |
(c) Subordinate | (III) रूपांतरण |
(d) Transformation | (IV) अधीनस्थ |
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर चुनिए :Clear
What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following alpha-number series ?
X4Z, T9U, P25P, L49K, ?, D169AClear
The total marks obtained by a student in Maths, Science, Social Science and English together is 140 more than the marks obtained by him in Science and Maths. What is the average marks obtained by him in Social Science and English together ?
Which of the following is not a social networking website ?
'Golden langur' is main fauna of which of the following biosphere reserve ?
Which is the largest ocean in the world ?
The Council of Ministers of Indian Union is collectively responsible to the :
What is the percentage of reservation for women under MNREGA Act, 2005 ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
What is the main function of central processing unit (CPU) in computers ?
Assets Reconstruction Fund (ARF) was set up for the purpose of ___________ . (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
The life history of the saints which is available in poetry form in Rajasthani language is known as __________ .
Which of the following trade policies introduced MEIS- Merchandise Export from India Scheme ?
The first Chairman of NITI Aayog was :
Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) was started in the year :
Match List-I with List-II.
List-I (Memorials) | List-II (Place) |
(a) Jaswant Singh's Thada | (I) Jaisalmer |
(b) Chhatris of Rulers and Paliwals | (II) Bundi |
(c) Chaurasi Khambon Ki Chhatri | (III) Alwar |
(d) Fateh Gumbad | (IV) Jodhpur |
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :Clear
Psamments, Orthents and Fluent are sub-orders of which of the following soil type ?
Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : First Prime Minister of India wished to achieve the objectives of Foreign Policy through the strategy of non-alignment.
Statement (II) : India was never trying to convince the other developing countries about the policy of non-alignment.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
How many person have held the post of Chairman of NITI Aayog since its formation (till July, 2024)
Plantation of which of the following trees can help to prevent forest fires in Himalayan region ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 5 : 6. If the percentage increase per annum in the number of boys and girls be 20% and 30% respectively, what will be the new ratio after one year ?
Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : Dadudayal (Kabir of Rajasthan) was born on Phalgun Shukla Navmi in 1542 AD in Dholidub village of Alwar.
Statement (II) : Dadu gave his teachings on Brahma, Jiva, Jagat and Moksha in a simple language (Sadhukkadi).
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Read the passage and answer the question given below :
In an often-overwhelming world, staying sane means learning to remember and allowing to forget. Phones, wallets, sunglasses, keys, a box of cornflakes, even a ukulele and, once, a gate valve. These are among the things that passengers have forgotten in cabs in 2023, according to Uber India's annual 'Lost and Found Index'. Further insights suggest that Delhi is the most forgetful city in India, that people are most prone to absentmindedness in the evening-from 7 pm to 9 pm - and that the festive days around Diwali tend to make people more distracted than any other time of the year. No doubt this information is amusing, and even useful- one could, for example, learn to be vigilant about one's belongings during the weary, post-work cab ride home. But the real lesson here is that forgetfulness is inevitable.
In Remember : The Science of Memory and the Aft of Forgetting, the American neuroscientist Lisa Genova explains that "a finely orchestrated balancing act between data storage and data disposal" is key to a well-functioning memory system. In other words, as much as remembering - to turn off the gas, your child's smile when you return from work or that the deadline for filing tax returns is close- is necessary, so is forgetting- your score in Class X boards, the heartbreak of an early love or the time a colleague slighted you. In their own way, both help maintain sanity in an often- overwhelming world. Consider the condition of the titular character in Jorge Luis Borges's story 'Funes the Memorious' whose prodigious memory forced him to note the progress of decay, corruption, fatigue and death and doomed him to be "the solitary and lucid spectator of ....... an intolerably precise world".
Que- Word 'precise' means : (Choose the most appropriate option from below)Clear
If '' means 'plus', '=' means 'multiplied by' and '$' means 'divided by', then what would be the value of
31 > 81 $ 9 < 7 is :Clear
A person is facing East. Then he turns 135° in clockwise direction and finally turns 180° in anti-clockwise direction. In which direction is he facing finally ?
Compute the : Binary Code addition (BCD)
Who has been chosen as the recipient of '41st Lokmanya Tilak Award'
Who is the current Chairperson of Rajasthan Human Rights Commission ?
Which of the following is not the alignment of the paragraph in MS-word ?
इनमें से कौन-सा चिह्न अर्द्ध विराम के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है ?
The characteristic of the computer of store data, information and programs in called :
Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : Fishing can be done only in freshwater ecosystems.
Statement (II) : Fish is a cheap source of animal protein for our food.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
The poultry feed includes : (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
Which of the following states has the highest solar power generation capacity ?
What is a Special Economic Zone ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : Veer Savarkar formed an organization named 'Mitra Mela' during the partition of Bengal with his companions and made a bonfire of imported clothes.
Statement (II) : British government had imposed a ban on Veer Savarkar's book, "The Indian War of Independence" before it could be published.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Read the passage and answer the question given below :
In an often-overwhelming world, staying sane means learning to remember and allowing to forget. Phones, wallets, sunglasses, keys, a box of cornflakes, even a ukulele and, once, a gate valve. These are among the things that passengers have forgotten in cabs in 2023, according to Uber India's annual 'Lost and Found Index'. Further insights suggest that Delhi is the most forgetful city in India, that people are most prone to absentmindedness in the evening-from 7 pm to 9 pm - and that the festive days around Diwali tend to make people more distracted than any other time of the year. No doubt this information is amusing, and even useful- one could, for example, learn to be vigilant about one's belongings during the weary, post-work cab ride home. But the real lesson here is that forgetfulness is inevitable.
In Remember : The Science of Memory and the Aft of Forgetting, the American neuroscientist Lisa Genova explains that "a finely orchestrated balancing act between data storage and data disposal" is key to a well-functioning memory system. In other words, as much as remembering - to turn off the gas, your child's smile when you return from work or that the deadline for filing tax returns is close- is necessary, so is forgetting- your score in Class X boards, the heartbreak of an early love or the time a colleague slighted you. In their own way, both help maintain sanity in an often- overwhelming world. Consider the condition of the titular character in Jorge Luis Borges's story 'Funes the Memorious' whose prodigious memory forced him to note the progress of decay, corruption, fatigue and death and doomed him to be "the solitary and lucid spectator of ....... an intolerably precise world".
Que- The key to a well-functioning memory system is __________ .Clear
Which Indian state recorded the highest wind capacity during 2022-23 ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
Which city of India hosted 141st International Olympic Committee Session ?
Choose the most appropriate articles for the sentence given below :
But mine is not _______ typical story. In my story ______ Scotsman is generous, _______ Irishman is logical and _______ Englishman is romantic. Oh, if it's _______ fantastic story I'll listen with _______ pleasure.Clear
Which of the following is a type of computer network ?
The states created in 1960 were :
Which of the following is not an agro-based industry of Rajasthan ?
The diameter of a sphere is 8 cm. It is melted and drawn into a wire of diameter 4 mm. The length of the wire is :
'संस्कार' शब्द में कौन-सा उपसर्ग है ?
In which of the following cities of Rajasthan Mahindra World City is located ?
States Reorganisation Act was passed in :
The first two figures are related in certain manner. From the given options choose the correct option that establish the similar relation with the third figure to replace question mark ?
इनमें से कौन-सा वाक्य शुद्ध है ?
In the given question a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II are given. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows.
Statement : India's economy is depending mainly on forests.
Conclusions :
(I) India wants only maintenance of forests to improve economic conditions.
(II) Trees should be preserved to improve Indian economy.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Which of the following was NOT the immediate major challenge of Independent India ?
Following is the full form of SLR in Indian Financial System is :
Which of the following file extension is applied to a MS-PowerPoint 365 Presentation by default whenever you save it ?
स्वर संधि के मुख्य भेद कितने होते हैं ?
Choose the most appropriate preposition from below in the sentence :
India is beset ________ many problems these days.Clear
Which of the following dams of Rajasthan produces Hydroelectric power ?
Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : Ajmer was an important centre of political awakening and socio-economic activity from the final years of the nineteenth century.
Statement (II) : In 1888, a delegate from Ajmer-Marwars participated in the Allahabad session of the Indian National Congress.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
इनमें से कौन 'यमुना' का पर्यायवाची नहीं है ?
Choose the most appropriate option for the passive form of the sentence below :
They rang the church bells as a flood warningClear
Which country became the world's first country to make abortion a constitutional right ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
In which year was the High Court of Rajasthan established ?
'Anti-Arrack Movement', in Andhra State was a movement against : (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) was established in 2007 at :
भारतीय संविधान में 'राजभाषा' शब्द का प्रयोग किस अर्थ में किया गया है ?
A candidate who gets 20% marks fails by 15 marks but another candidate who gets 42% marks gets 12% more than the passing marks. What is the passing mark ?
Choose the most appropriate English word for :
In which month is the festival of Kajli Teej celebrated in Bundi ?
Which of the following is not a bitwise operator ?
सरकारी पत्र में अधोलेख के रूप में किस शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है ?
Periscope works on the principle of :
Which of the following Constitutional Amendments gave constitutional status and protection to the Panchayati Raj institutions in India ?
An iron rod of uniform thickness of length 5.6 metre weighs 2.4 kg. How much will be the weight of 5 iron rods of the same thickness and each having length of 8.4 m ?
'Operation Flood' is associated with _________ .
वर्तनी की दृष्टि से इनमें से कौन-सा शब्द शुद्ध है ?
Three resistances of 3Ω, 4Ω and 5Ω are connected in series in a circuit in which a battery of 6V is also connected. Which of the following option (s) is/are correct ?
(a) The potential difference across all the resistances is same.
(b) The current in each of the resistance is same.
(c) The equivalent resistance of the combination is 12Ω.
(d) The current in the circuit is 0.5 A.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :Clear
Rhinoceros are found mainly in one of the following National Park/ Wildlife Sanctuary :
Who is the author of song 'Dharti Dhoran Ri' ?
The Vishakhapattanam Industrial Region is famous for which type of industries ? (Choose the most appropriate option from below)
Who was the Chairman of the committee on financial systems in India, which recommended the setting up of Assets Reconstruction Fund (ARF) ?
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends sitting around a circle facing towards the centre, not necessarily in same order. H is on the immediate left of A but H is not the neighbour of E or D. F is on the immediate right of B and G is the neighbour of E. C is between E and F. What is the position of G ?
'Critical Minerals Summit, 2024' was held in which of the following places ?
The artificial satellite which is seen at fixed position when viewed from the same location is called :
Which of the following archaeological sites of Indus Saraswati Civilization is in Pakistan ?
The mother of Shivani's sister Ritu is Kavita, the mother of Kavita's sister Neha is Maya. How is Neha related to Ritu ?
Which of the following amendment act provided reservation of seats for women, in the Urban Local Bodies ?
Which of the following district has highest production of cotton in the state of Rajasthan ?
What is the most appropriate synonym of word "Sociable" ?
If the second half of the English alphabet 'after M' is written in the reverse order, which letter will be sixth to the right of the thirteenth letter from the left end ?
Choose the most appropriate indirect form of the given sentence :
"Wait for me at the bridge", said Rahim.Clear
"Glimpses of World History", book is written by _________ .
Which of the following Banks was originally named as Imperial Bank of India ?
Given below are two statements :
Statement (I) : Rajasthan gets rainfall from the Monsoon of Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.
Statement (II) : Bay of Bengal Monsoon pass through the Rajasthan without giving much rainfall to it because there is no proper obstruction available in the passage of it.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Who has been appointed as the first woman High Commissioner to India by Britain ?
First human to walk on the surface of the moon was :
The movement for a Separate Andhra was called as _________ .
Who among the following is the member of the Inter State Council and the Governing Council of Niti Aayog, both ?
When was the state of Rajasthan completely unified ?
Read the passage and answer the question given below:
In an often-overwhelming world, staying sane means learning to remember and allowing to forget. Phones, wallets, sunglasses, keys, a box of cornflakes, even a ukulele and, once, a gate valve. These are among the things that passengers have forgotten in cabs in 2023, according to Uber India's annual 'Lost and Found Index'. Further insights suggest that Delhi is the most forgetful city in India, that people are most prone to absentmindedness in the evening-from 7 pm to 9 pm - and that the festive days around Diwali tend to make people more distracted than any other time of the year. No doubt this information is amusing, and even useful- one could, for example, learn to be vigilant about one's belongings during the weary, post-work cab ride home. But the real lesson here is that forgetfulness is inevitable.
In Remember : The Science of Memory and the Aft of Forgetting, the American neuroscientist Lisa Genova explains that "a finely orchestrated balancing act between data storage and data disposal" is key to a well-functioning memory system. In other words, as much as remembering - to turn off the gas, your child's smile when you return from work or that the deadline for filing tax returns is close- is necessary, so is forgetting- your score in Class X boards, the heartbreak of an early love or the time a colleague slighted you. In their own way, both help maintain sanity in an often- overwhelming world. Consider the condition of the titular character in Jorge Luis Borges's story 'Funes the Memorious' whose prodigious memory forced him to note the progress of decay, corruption, fatigue and death and doomed him to be "the solitary and lucid spectator of ....... an intolerably precise world".
Que- According to Lisa Genova, remembering and forgetting data from your memory is necessary because :Clear
What is India's national flower ?
All the aspects of population are discussed in which of the following subject/science ?
Ankur deposited Rs. 8,000 at simple interest which amounted to Rs. 9,200 after 3 years. Had the annual rate of interest been 3% more, how much amount he would have got ?
The Sankosh Hydel Project is Joint Venture between __________ .
'परोक्ष' में निहित समास है :
Choose the most suitable word for the phrase "Fit to drink" :
Pangong Tso and Tso Moriri lakes are formed in which part of Himalayan Range ?
Who was the Chief Commander of the Mughal army in the Battle of Haldighati ?
इनमें से कौन गुणवाचक विशेषण नहीं है ?
Which of the following is the largest zinc producing mine in Rajasthan ?
Which of the following area did not cover in first stage of Indira Gandhi Canal project ?
First Global Summit on traditional medicine was organised by the World Health Organisation in which state of India ?
In the following question each set of numbers follows a similar pattern, find the missing number (?).
Choose the most appropriate Hindi translation for the given sentence :
Your anger is justified.Clear
Which of the following state is known as Molasses basin ?
Which of the following tourist centre is located close to Barmer ?
इनमें से कौन से व्यंजन संधि के उदाहरण हैं ?
(a) उल्लास, (b) अन्वय, (c) अहंकार, (d) निष्फल, (e) उद्धार
नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों में से सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर का चयन कीजिए :Clear
The profit earned after selling an article for Rs. 680 is same as the loss incurred after selling the same article for Rs. 426 Find the half of the 50% of the cost price.
Who among the following moved the 'Objective Resolutions' in the Constituent Assembly of India ?